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501st SpecOps[TX]
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merquise13 last won the day on November 26 2020

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About merquise13

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    Alpine Garrison

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  1. App sent to GML for approval. BTW, this is funny. Exactly 5 years ago today was when i submitted my scout to the 501st and was approved. Sooo. let's hope i pass. Before: 377191_10152120981737923_1217130160_n by TJ OBrien, on Flickr After: IMG_5911 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_5915 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_5918 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_5921 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_5924 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_5927 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_5929 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_5935 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr
  2. Boots and helmet done. Bandoliers getting close. Just need cummerbund, neck seal, and redo some strapping. IMG_20180425_145927 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_20180425_145931 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_20180425_161447 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr
  3. IMG_20180405_155915 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr
  4. Thank you. Today will be coat number 3 and getting ready for the clear coat. (havent posted pics yet from second coat.)
  5. First layer of gloss black is on. I'll probably end up doing 3 and then a couple good coats of clear coat and the stuff izzi recommended. IMG_20180321_155347 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_20180321_185749 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_20180321_185756 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_20180321_185804 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_20180321_185807 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_20180321_185815 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_20180321_185826 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr IMG_20180321_185838 by TJ OBrien, on Flickr
  6. Armor has been washed. just needs a light sanding before primer. Also used some abs slurry to fix a few areas and fill a gap on my helmet i've always hated. Just need to sand it well now. (sorry no pics).
  7. I'm one step closer to being to the point of no return. My Scout is now torn apart. This afternoon will be prepping the plastic for painting. Then hope to either get some good weather again or try out my new indoor paint box. 29258301_10156594696412923_6339625462678945792_o by TJ OBrien, on Flickr 29244784_10156594688357923_6252209258864050176_o by TJ OBrien, on Flickr
  8. Thanks all. Now to just figure out how to make a couple cylinder pieces and what look like TK shoulder straps and i think i've got everything.
  9. a little more progress on the weir boxes. 29176683_10156582906207923_1040762002789629952_o by TJ OBrien, on Flickr
  10. Fun little project. I took pics of peoples bandoliers and spent about two hours holding a ruler up to the computer screen to resize it onto a piece of 1x3, which to me is the right size, as the strapping behind looks like 2". So here's phase 1 28871932_10156574197502923_1146735617829240832_o by TJ OBrien, on Flickr 28782839_10156574197647923_7934428093349888_o by TJ OBrien, on Flickr
  11. Glossy rustoleum professional paint acquired. I also have the material for a new cummerbund and boots. Hopefully gonna get to those over the next week. So things left to cover. Tear helmet apart so i can make a visor mount (so i can switch between shadow scout/weir lense) Need the webbing for the bandoliers and belt. I bought some 1x3's and i'm going to attempt the bandoliers myself based on one's i've seen woodchuck make and the CRL photos.
  12. Thanks Izzi. Yeah i was researching into what would make it shiny, so that would help greatly.
  13. Thanks torri. I agree they don't look too difficult. I'm certain i can pull off the look using 1x3" boards XD. or stacking sintra.
  14. Any suggestions or where to find them? I may be able to create using 3d modeling, or just layering sintra plastic myself, but looking at options.
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