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About hopfot

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  • 501st Garrison
    Redback Garrison

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  • Location
    Queensland, Australia

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well done. Looking awesome.
  2. PS I removed my back tank for Motorcoaster.
  3. The General's first outing couldn't have been better. May the 4th be with you and Revenge of the 5th at Dreamworld on the Gold Coast. AND on the 4th I had my own contingent of Scout troopers to help hunt down rebel scum and run down ewoks, using a local transport much like the speeder bikes.
  4. Well I had to alter the colour of the webbing on the bandoliers as they didn't match the boxes. and take some more detailed shots of the helmet and boots. Just awaiting approval now. As for the side boxes, that's kinda a result of me putting on some weight since this was approved as a Shadow Scout. And as for the seem at the back of the helmet. the goal there is to just get a new Black SC helmet. As their new molds are much better.
  5. Completed and awaiting approval.
  6. I'll be doing the same. http://www.501st.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=74780&start=0
  7. Bandoliers 90% finished. General Wier upgrade almost complete. Also, looking at the Reference pics, mainly of the figurine, I notice that there is no specific methode by which the Bandoleers attach at the back. Where as the CRL pics show a Side Locking Clip. However the text in the CRL states no specific method, just that it attaches at the back. Therefore I have concluded to myself, that Velcro will suffice, and in fact be closer to the original source materials and reference pics. Does anyone disagree with this conclusion?
  8. I was just thinking of being a bastard and asking how this was going, the next time I saw you. But then yeah, as I remember, you are working on this with Mark.
  9. I think i recall, I was came across the Masks on Mando Mercs. Basically the face was Hard Armour, and the rest of the helmet was Soft Armour. They have the Neo-Crusader as a class of Mando.
  10. hmmmmmm. *thinks about the fact, the LMO is a Redback*
  11. There is a video somewhere too. Last year one of the guys had a camera attached to his visor.
  12. WHILE THIS HAS GONE QUIET IT HASN'T BEEN FORGOTTEN. Now that I have disable the caps lock on my computer, I'll stop shouting. also, I'm just too lazy to edit that first line. Anyhow, as I said, this has not been forgotten. I have just commissioned Woodchuck to create for me a set of Ammo Belts as seen on the 501st forums. http://www.501st.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=74780 Hopefully I should be able to get this finished for our largest troop in Queensland, Dreamworld Star Wars weekend. And lead my own team of Scouts on the Motorcoaster.
  13. Thanks for the help Toddo, got my visor in the mail today and wasted no time with cutting it out and fitting with my helmet. Couple of photo test, one with flash one without. Works great. Darth Emphatic, I'll still be looking at that link you posted for a mando helmet visor if I can't find anything else, as this proved a little small for my mando helmet. All I would have left is the bandoleers.... if it wasn't for that fact that I broke my boot holster just recently . It's fixable but I may need to dismantle and rebuild my boots (both to keep them even) in order to fix it.
  14. Not only is the seller in Australia, it's in my city. I feel like such the biggest herp derp right now.
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