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Everything posted by Dauitsch

  1. Hey I also had the first impression that it will be exactly like your spoiler described it directly when the set was announced However and about "very" early bird purchases, I totally agree with you. It can be wasted money or it could be a "direct hit between the eyes". Its just that I am soooo much "fire and flame" that I keep looking up the minor bits we have so far, again and again and there I stumbled across the shape of the eye glasses. Could be as well a german one from the same Era worn by Motorcycle Units. Anyway, I am afraid it will take its time until we get to get more insights, references and confirmed parts. Hoping for the Book next which I pre-ordered and which is to come out here in Germany on May, 28th...
  2. Hi all, if I may jump in here because of wannabe some kind of early bird or better lets say,... changed mind with my next project after I saw the Mudtrooper. I joined the SpecOps forum a couple of weeks ago since I was planning on a regular Army Trooper when the CRL came out, but well the Mudtrooper is indeed the one I want to go for, its just the right time now, isnt it? Thanks a lot for this first opening of information and details! I really hope that I could become part of this research phase in order to end up with a most acurate Costume to be seen in the Solo Movie ...Ill stay tuned, keep on soaking any bit of information that comes up and keep looking into this thread on a daily basis for now ... Quick question aside for a Start... are we already sure the googles are from WW2 RAF pilots or is it just an asumption? Had a brief look and I am a bit uncertain in regards to the glass shape (correct me if Iam wrong), though they look wonderful!
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