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501st Retired[501st]
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synsei last won the day on May 30 2018

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About synsei

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    Star Garrison

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  1. I did my aerator parts with spray cans before I attached them to my bucket. I weathered them so it was a mix of bright silver, graphite, and flat black (dust coats and dry brush). Don't over think it. The CRL is isn't rigid on how you paint it, so look at your favorite images and do what makes sense to you. I'm working on my 2nd helmet now and may decide to change things up. For the breather tubes, I used plastidip to give them a rubberized look. Looks better than matte black in my opinion. Hope this helps. Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
  2. Love it, Nick. Good job! Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
  3. Maybe I'm not using the right search words, but when will the Death Trooper be added to the Specialist Program? Again, apologies if this question has been asked before.
  4. I've just been approved so I'll be coming back and uploading some pics of the journey.
  5. Nice! Now I understand your comment about the "extended" ab plate. I didn't know what you were talking about until I saw your post above. I didn't feel like being the dumb noob that was asking a dumb question on that particular day, either. But now I know!
  6. Good update. Just what I needed to see as motivation!
  7. Retroactive update from 3/17- I was pretty bummed that UPS didn't show up with my filament (especially after running out on the left bicep), but they showed up at 11pm. #clutch. Had to do some math to figure out where to start the new print for the 2nd half of the bicep. Normally I could just resume but this was a weird issue. Anyways, it worked out and the 2 halves align perfectly. It's finally starting to look like something. Hand guards are on the bed now. The helmet is still a work in progress. I had to bust out a wood working chisel to properly articulate the line between the dome cap and the ear recesses. Thanks for looking
  8. Right on. Those shins look awesome.
  9. I've heard about the shins but never know what is being referenced. Any chance that the photos can include markings of the differences? I've scrolled up and down trying to identify them but alas I'm still just a recruit.
  10. Nice, thanks Mark. Is this color also used in the accent lines in the armor? I always see DT's with bright silver but that doesn't seem right. If anything, it looks like gun metal or the metallic black you've mentioned.
  11. A little more progress on the helmet. Here it is mocked up with tape. Some post work on the mask. Half of this piece will be covered but the only way to get the visible portion completely straight is to sand the whole thing. I did some sanded and primed half for the obligatory comparison photo. I'll still need to go back with some spot putty though. And since I was feeling froggy, I went ahead and got started on a forearm. That's all for now.
  12. I went to my first armor party over the weekend and had a blast. Everybody was cool and inviting. I felt like I already knew everybody. I learned sooo much from the group and got to ask a ton of questions about trooping and whatnot. I didnt bring anything to build but I brought a box of tools/ supplies I thought would be helpful to someone else; turned out they had it covered. All in all it was probably the best non-cinematic experience I've had as a Star Wars fan. I even got some medical work done.
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