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Everything posted by Icehawk0079

  1. For some odd reason the Montana gold does hold reasonably well to the faux leather the Hunter's Bay (Payless Shoes brand) boots. It did not crack or chip but bent along with the natural toe joint. It did not hold well to the Tote's brand ones.
  2. The new problem I'm having is the paint keeps cracking and flaking off whenever you move around wearing the boots. Anyone got a solution to that?
  3. I'm familiar with blousing straps. I use em all the time for military style costuming. Also it's the shape of the zipper tab that bothers me.
  4. Quick question what material did you use for the sleeve pocket did you use fabric from a second utility jumpsuit or did you manage to get loose fabric?
  5. The good news is the hunter's bay commuters are back in stock at payless... the bad news is they don't have my size, they're completely out of 7 and 7.5 men's. I did manage to get a pair of these and paint them in montana gold olive but that zipper still bothers me... https://www.overstock.com/Clothing-Shoes/Totes-Mens-Boots-Stadium-Black/7490404/product.html
  6. It's been rather hard to find appropriate boots in my size. All the appropriate commuter style boots I've found are far too big for me. I wear a Size 7 or 7.5 men's. The ones I have found in my size are like these https://www.amazon.com/SkaDoo-Comfortable-Fur-Lined-Insultated-Waterproof/dp/B01N8UJQX9/ref=sr_1_3?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1532642336&sr=1-3&nodeID=7147441011&psd=1&keywords=black%2Bweatherproof%2Bboots&refinements=p_89%3ASkaDoo&th=1&psc=1 with those swoop stitched panels on the outward facing side. Any advice?
  7. I've been busting my back trying to find appropriate boots in my size for the new revised CRL. I have found commuter boots that match the ones pictured in other topics but sadly they are all way too big for me. I wear a size 7 or 7.5 and the ones I've been able to find are either size 10 or 12 men's. Finding the correct Montana Gold Olive Drab spray paint is easy enough, it's available on amazon. Could I ask for assistance in finding an affordable pair of boots in a CRL correct and approvable style?
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