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501st SpecOps[TX]
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About Deathtrooper25801

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    Hiking, gaming, firefighting, and con-going

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  1. The paint was damaged via shipping. The other issues include one shin being too small. I can fit iinto the other easily, but the right one is small and can not fit the boot under it. The thigh pieces arrived 6 inches too small. When measuring, I made sure to measure three times to ensure all was right and got input from my local garrison members. When I addressed PAD, I was sent 4 rubber pieces. He's been wonderful to work with! Just wanted to check in and see if it was common for a few pieces to be off by this much. Thanks so much!
  2. Good evening all! I'm currently working on my deathtrooper build that I've waited so long for! Unfortunatley, I have had several issues with the kit I purchased I got my hard parts from Plastic Arms Dealer in the fully painted, ready to wear package offered. Once getting it home, there were a few issues I wouldn't have expected. I'm just trying to see if anyone else has expericed such issues from this dealer? I love his work and he has been more than happy to help! Just trying to see if this a one in one thousand problem or if other people have had issues with the dealer as well.
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