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501st Retired[501st]
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ShovelGuy last won the day on August 11 2019

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About ShovelGuy

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  • 501st Garrison
    Central Garrison

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  • Costumes
    Imperial Army Sapper
  • TotM Datestamp
    April 2019

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    Rochester , Minnesota

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  1. @TX 62888 since your a Level 2 Army Trooper and also habe a TK would you be willing to model for the photos ?
  2. The helmet looks like a mix of the sapper helmet and navy trooper helmet . It’s sorta shaped like an Imperial Army helmet but with a more flared back and cut different on the skirt . I’ve got no clue on the circular things on the outside .
  3. I would stick to green . In the first photo it shows the officers boots in a different shade , as a polished leather boot. In the second photo it’s obvious that the boots are dirty from mud , you can see the shade only goes up to the calves , you can see the mud on the TK shin . In the Last photo it’s a similar thing .
  4. @Raider I think color can be attributed a lot to artistic choices , if you look at the Sapper in the comics series it’s colored purple and not black . as for the the boots I’d like to suggest the removal of the calf height boot in the manner it’s currently being worn , tucked in rather than blouses . Personally I’m not a fan of the blousing idea but that’s irrelevant.
  5. @Blackwatch I’ll look into getting a TK belt soon .
  6. I suppose it could be worn instead of the web belt and harness.
  7. I’ll be going back at the source material again . Color is gonna be harder to confirm than the overall design . Overall I’d like to see a possible departure from the use of the crewman style boots as the basic boot as I can find nowhere in the source comics of the boots being higher than the ankles .
  8. @Blackwatch I’ve talked with a local member who is going to send me some proof of concept photos of him wearing his army trooper with the TK belt . as for the boots I’d love to see a new CRL image with the Lvl2 items present . Having gone through the source material I don’t see much precedence for using the calf height boots on the CRL .
  9. 1. Addition of the TK belt as a possible accessory.
  10. Here are a few thoughts in regards to updating the Imperial Army Trooper CRL 1. Addition of the use of the TK Belt as seen in source material . 2. Possible adjustments to the boot section of the CRL .
  11. These would not . Basically the H-Straps should be made from 2inch OD Green nylon webbing with triglides and snap hook fasteners .
  12. Go with intergalactic supply , I have made two Army Trooper helmets from his kit and also the Sapper helmet , which is the one used in the Sapper CRL . I personally like the Vacuformed helmets rather than 3D printed since I think they tend to be more durable but that’s just me .
  13. I’ve sorta abandoned the project a while ago and I’m converting it to a standard imperial Army Trooper .
  14. I will get photos tomorrow after trooping
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