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  1. Some more good reference shots on shoulder bell construction here. I have long said that the Death Trooper shoulder bell construction was similar to the Shore, Tank, AT-ACT driver and TK's. Photo Credit: themaninthesuitcase https://imgur.com/a/CztUO4e
  2. Greg....here is a photo that was shared with the community on FB. I would be bullish that this is the correct approach as you can also see the poncho sticking out in some of the photos from Celebration on the FB build group. I also think that regardless if the Premier DT's were Anovos, it doesn't necessarily mean the construction methods are incorrect. Furthermore, it would stand to logic that the R1 TK's, Shore, Tank and AT-ACT driver/troopers had a suspender setup as the Death Troopers were designed first and concepts from that design was carried over to the other troopers in R1. https://imgur.com/a/WRYbZeS
  3. Mark, absolutely! I have also been chatting extensively with Lance Culpepper from Rogue Repo. He has a fairly detailed photo of the screen used ShoreTrooper undersuit, which can be seen on his FB profile. He seems to be keen on building it for the ShoreTropper and potentially for the DT as well. After chatting with Lance last night....apparently it took him 8+ hours to sew piping for 1 sleeve. I recommended he reach out to Jim Lau at Eadu Armory for potential help.... to produce this in mass quantities. Otherwise it is going to take forever to individually sew piping. Maybe pick Jim Tripon's brain on how he does it too, or hook Jim and Lance up. But Lance seems to have the methodology down on how it should look. Lastly, I had a brief chat with Victor B and Brock (like most others) about the understuits as well. Both were firm that it was extremely tight fitting and had full length legs with stirrups....so agree with you there.
  4. There are many similarities between all the troopers in R1. I have been looking closely at ShoreTroopers and TK's to help inform some of the decisions here...which I would strongly encourage others to do. I have also chatted with Victor and Brock about the setup and they both remember a corset with a fabric piece in the back that enclosed the whole works, zipped up and was hidden by the spine piece. There are other details and reference materials that clearly show similarities. I also need to figure out how to use Imgur without having copyrighted photos available publicly so I don't get sued.
  5. Starting this thread after chatting with Chaos Trooper on this one. The Death Trooper did in fact have a corset style setup like literally every other character in Rogue One....Shore, Tank, AT-ACT, TK’s. Here is a photo taken from the Premier of Rogue One that clearly shows the following. 1. Corset style setup and how it was connected....Velcro. Personally I think this rubber was a made part and not a found part. 2. We can clearly see the strips of Velcro connecting the chest and back plate 3. We can also clearly see there was additional plastic below the corset that sat UNDER the belt, which per my convo with Victor and Brock was how the thighs were connected via snaps. Can also been seen from photos in the Mandalorian. 4. Spine plate clearly extends all the way down the back and is connected to the corset. https://imgur.com/F9xtoKx
  6. I'm curious to know how you solve the problem of covering the charging handle channel and ejection port. Myself and Henry we're discussing this in detail and if you look at the screen used prop, the charging handle channel and ejection port are completely closed off. Most likely to avoid any LED leak (this also assumes you will have functional LEDs as well). If not, disregard my comment. Video link with screen used E-11D below. (Courtesy of Henry)
  7. Field Marshal has a set for sale on his eBay page. You can also find him on FB or at Warmachinepaintball. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F282950863159
  8. You “can†use the grip pictured but it's not screen accurate to the E-11D used in R1 from what I understand. If accuracy isn't of primary concern, then go nuts.
  9. I purchased a modified buckle, similar to the reference.
  10. Make sure you print Tom's file on A3 paper or 11x17, in order to get the proportions right. í ½í±í ½í±
  11. Make sure you print Tom's file on A3 paper or 11x17, in order to get the proportions right. í ½í±í ½í±
  12. Field Marshal sells an aluminum buckle on his eBay page. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F123033675615 I would also recommend Mike at The Dark Side Closet for your undersuit. You can find them on FB. It's a bit expensive but by far the best one out there IMHO. Or Jim Tripion, don't have his but have heard good things.
  13. You guys need Andrew McClary at Plastic Arms Dealer. He makes a cast silicon band. His Etsy page is below. You can also find him on the DT Build Group on FB. https://www.etsy.com/listing/577040036/death-trooper-forearm-bands?ref=shop_home_feat_4
  14. Here are the pouches I purchased. https://www.epicmilitaria.com/mp40-black-smooth-leather-ammo-pouches.html Yes, you will need to dye the stitching and cut off the extra leather tab.
  15. Here are a few photos of the Sterling chopped up so far. If you need help on the disassembly, let me know as its a bit tricky to get the piston out. https://www.flickr.com/photos/156554002@N07/shares/Hc4r7z
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