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501st Retired[501st]
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Greido last won the day on December 16 2018

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About Greido

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  1. APPROVED! TX-41983 reporting for duty!! Thanks for all the tips on this costume...can't wait to troop in it next week!
  2. Submitted for approval...wish me luck!
  3. Soooo my fully-finished 850 Armor Works armor arrived yesterday!....without the thighs lol. I emailed them and they responded that they're shipping them separately. However I had to try on the outfit, and I might have got parts of it on wrong (I will be properly fitting it this weekend)....but dang, this armor feels GOOD!
  4. Wow! I know at the time they did a run of them, maybe they've stopped? It's definitely where mine came from, haha. ArmoryShop has great stuff too though - from everywhere I've seen online, you'll love their bucket, too!
  5. Under Suit from ArmoryShop has arrived! Legs are a tad short but it might not matter when the armor is on. Will wait and see. Might add stirrups to them to pull them down, if they can be hidden. Armor from 850 is the last piece of the puzzle...should arrive fully-finished in a couple of weeks!
  6. My ImperialBoots arrived in just 10 days from when I ordered. I'm in Canada, they're in China. Amazingly fast shipping, delivery and quality!!
  7. Update on progress: Bucket: 850 Armor Works - received Undersuit: ArmoryShop - ordered (went with them as they looked like they had the best material, and the velcro being on the suit is a huge plus) Armor: 850 Armor Works fully-built armor - ordered Gloves: Endor Finders - received Shoes: Imperial Boots - ordered The fully-built armor should arrive by mid-September. I'm hoping to have this done shortly after. Aiming to be cleared to troop for our local ComicCon in October. Fingers crossed...
  8. Yes, it was a conscious decision because I'm getting the 850 Armor Works armor as well, so I wanted the look of the outfit to be completely consistent.
  9. Got the bucket today! With a little bit of padding, it'll fit perfectly. Thanks to 850 Armor Works! Ordering my armor next week, also from 850. Ordered shoes from Imperial Boots before their monthly window closed. Will be ordering my undersuit from Armoryshop next week, too. This is going much faster than I had originally thought it would!
  10. Ordered my bucket from 850 Armor Works! It should arrive in the next 10 business days or so (shipping to Canada). Pretty excited, though - I've seen nothing but good reviews about their DT buckets.
  11. Picked up my gloves from Endor Finders yesterday. They fit PERFECTLY. Also bought a toy TK. Not part of the crl but how could I resist! Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  12. Thank you!! Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  13. Fantastic! Thanks so much. Ill keep that in mind. I'm gonna go with them, or the Docs. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  14. Looking forward to seeing your build! Just wanna confirm, the Imperial boots you bought were the 'killer' ones? They're 501st approved? I wanna purchase but don't wanna spend the cash on a non-approved item. Thanks! Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
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