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Dadofsix last won the day on April 12 2018

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  • 501st Garrison

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  1. How much can I trim this bottom area? I’ve gained some weight during The Rona and I’m worried this won’t fit unless I take it back a bit.
  2. So I can go wider than the usual? My calf’s are kind of big so I can’t trim anymore.
  3. So on my shins I will still have “flat” on the front. If I trim any more it will not fit. Will this cause any issues with approval?
  4. Left shin pieces line up as they should. Hopefully it won’t be an issue for approval with the right side.
  5. I haven’t taped that one up yet to see. I’ll do that this weekend.
  6. So I am lining up the shin pieces and I have some over hang which I assume I can trim like the forearms. However, it does seem one part of the ankle cover will be lower. Could this be an issue?
  7. How wide should the Velcro strip be in the back of the shin pieces?
  8. I need some help as I move to shins. I can’t tell which piece goes with what?
  9. Working on my forearms. My hand is kind of wide so I’m hoping this isn’t too much space. Any glaring issues I should address?
  10. I have the bicep piece done and there is an area that doesn’t meet up. How should I do this? Just cut off enough where it appears level?
  11. First pieces are glued. I’m doing just half of the cover strip at a time to make sure I get a good seam.
  12. What do you use to polish your armor?
  13. Yes! Is having a flat edge on each side an issue?
  14. I’m moving my kit progress to this more appropriately named thread. This has been a bucket list item for me, but I’m very intimidated. Building things is not my strong suit. I’ve started with the biceps and have a question. I will still have flat edge on the bicep parts that the cover strip will not cover. I read the CRL but I’m not sure if this would cause an issue with me trying to get 501st approval. I have the pic below. Also, so the edges have to be squared or could they be slanted at the corners?
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