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  • 501st Garrison
    Danish Garrison

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  1. Thank you, much appreciated 😊 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hi everyone, I'm new to these forums, my name is Christian and I'm from Denmark. I'm a member of the 501st garrison here with my TK. Decided I wanted to take a shot at the big league and build myself a set of DT armor. Looks daunting, and quite a bit more challenging than assembling a set of TK armor, what with the resin and the sanding and all I went ahead and started of by ordering a Mk3 DT helmet kit from Armoryshop, and am currently waiting for it to ship. While waiting, I thought I might as well start gathering materials, and am currently trying to find out what paint to use. Thus far, I have bought some gloss black paint and primer from a local shop, and I ordered some Tamiya TS40 black metallic for the helmet highlights, which I plan on using on the armor highlights, when I get that far. So, my questions are: 1. What color did you guys use for the aerator/nose grill parts of the helmet? In Denis' tutorial, he uses a chainmail silver airbrush paint, but is there a viable alternative for people who don't have an airbrush and compressor? Maybe some sort of gunmetal color? 2. The brow and cheek tubes. Are they Tamiya TS40 as well, or are they more like a matte black? And which matte black would you guys recommend? Thanks in advance, -Christian
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