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Everything posted by Morizhara

  1. For this build I used a Belgian style field coat, I removed the hood and the inner liner. I also removed the pocket flaps. With regards to the coat, I understand there is a conversation about making it a custom coat (since that is how it was done for the movie), but why make it more difficult? There is armor over majority of the coat body, so why make it more difficult for people to obtain one by making it a custom coat. I agree with Izzi on a set up for level 1/2 dealing with the custom coat style, but why push so hard to make some items (which are simple) harder to obtain? There are many costumes out there that have more people wanting an item than there are crafters for it, so why make simple pieces of a costume fall into that category?
  2. It's in there When worn without the mask, a black chin cup with tan strap must be visible.
  3. Thank you!! The coats we all used, which came from different vendors but same style, ended up having the hoods cut off and the liners cut out. And thanks for the boot suggestion! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Thank you!! The coats we all used, which came from different vendors but same style, ended up having the hoods cut off and the liners cut out. And thanks for the boot suggestion! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Awesome! Our group of mud troopers in Florida are excited for this to get approved Thanks goes to TS 42013 for writing up the CRL info for us to get this started. Thank you Izzi for helping move this forward! - DZ12209 (Stephanie)
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