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501st SpecOps[TX]
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About tk41709

501st Info

  • Name
    Justin Higginbotham
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison

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  1. Hey all, I am looking for a 3D file for the knee Greeblie. Long story short, the ones I got with my kit were wrong and they were for a patrol trooper and in order to modify them it would take a lot of work and after they are sanded down, they would be to small. I was hoping to track down a 3D file for them so I can print them, but the Sean Fields website for the files seems to be down. Thanks for any help. -Justin
  2. ok so now that i am officially a magma trooper i have a few question about taking care of it. First off, is there any type of wax i can use to help keep it shiny and protect it from scratches and such? Also is there any recommendations on a type/brand of paint that i can use to touch it up and possibly cover some stress marks? thanks for the info
  3. Ok, so my WTF Magma kit just came in. I have decided that as I am building this I am going to shoot for specialist. I have one quick question on the lenses, will the grey acrylic lenses from trooper bay be acceptable for the specialist requirements? If not is there a better source for the black lenses? The link below is what i am looking at. Thanks alot for the help. https://trooperbay.com/costuming-accessories/lenses-eyewear/grey-acrylic-lens-2-5-x-15-inches
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