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SithThundercracker last won the day on March 10 2020

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About SithThundercracker

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    Italica Garrison

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    Jun 2020, Jun 2022, Aug 2023

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  1. Supercool! It's 100% m60....I just thought it was a pumped mg34/dlt19 because of the similarities on the ammo port. Interestingly original concept artist Matt Savage just posted this on IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/BppRUUNFLtR/?igshid=1luviezhg7fwu so I wandered why they had m60 parts laying around for kitbash and there it is, Roba M45 Repeating Ion blaster from R1's U-Wing! https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/M-45_repeating_ion_blaster
  2. Beast finished and tested! Shoulder strap i a bit tricky with the cape but can be used.
  3. Update time. Silver layer: Black coat: I wasn't satisfied of the first look o f the thing: So I went with Citatel Leadbelcher and put some masking paper to rip off the balck coat: And here's the first look before weathering it with paint: Some rusty effect: And here's the look today with glossy handle and buttstock, with burnt metal effect for the tip and flashlights: Next steps: led lights
  4. More proof of my theory: combined shot of previous frame and another that shows (with yellow reflection) a piece of the belt and its buckle) and another better view of the belt box.
  5. I like this pic: armor is undoublty rage, small tubing included on the left side. On the upper left corner what looks like an imperial belt box.
  6. More pics of current progress... Excavated the cartridges to host a 9v battery pack, and prepared the ammo block for wiring. Sanded the now virtually invisible holes were I dug the screws: Wired up the 3 leds (very simple circuit, the same that goes with Darth Vader belt boxes). Mounted the ammo block to the rifle. I decided to have a solid block, with battery pack sliding up from the bottom, where I put two cover strips: Started priming the whole stuff (pic before adding the ammo pack):
  7. I understand the point and it makes perfect sense, although I wish there was the possibility to add it (I know I'm comparing apple to oranges but recently Blizzard Force added DLT-19 and DLT-20a as optional Snowtrooper weapons, despite the fact that you never see thoese weapons on Snowies nor on the whole Hoth planet). Anyway, I'll keep on building...this may be helpful for future Korsos or Mudtrooper Heavy Gunner ?
  8. Hello guys, I see there is life for Korso so, as I am currently working of perfecting the IHRB, I decided to share the info/mods on this weapon. I think it would be great for our Detachment to have the weapon cleared, and hopefully added as an option for regular Mudtroopers. First of all some reference pictures: Promotional picture of Korso holding it (and still the best source of information): Korso weilding it in the final cut of the movie: Korso POV in the Deleted Scene: IHRB concept in Art of Solo book: I only found one guy making this beast (although sold out at the moment), the awesome Sergey Kolesnik that goes under the name of 3dPicasso. Here's his rendering: As you can see it combines beautifully the front we see in Korso pictures with the back (that we never see) of the concept art, although with some poetic licenses (the DLT-like "wievfinder" and the inverted ammo cartridge in particular. Also the kit was not designed for a sling but we always see Korso with it (and so this must be, as the thing is damn heavy). Here's the original kit that was on sale: It only came with two small rings (as it was designed with two) so I had to ask for one more separately. Now to the build: First mod was inverting the ammo pack: Then I added real screws to replace some sculpted one, a small thing I learned building my original E-11: To add solidity, the central barrell was directly screwed to the action, and all different strategic part were mounted with sunken screws covered with green stuff: The sling attachment shapes and sized were deducted from the POV shots: Sling itself has correct oval hooks, 5cm size and correct black buckle. And that's the look of it at the moment:
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