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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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Everything posted by jen0farc

  1. Thank you Zac, Robert and David! I'm really excited! I only wished I'd posted more of my build here but I've gotten used to quick chronicling builds in my Instagram stories and I just never got around to moving all the many many photos here as well. Hardest part was modding the 850 armor and getting everything to fit decently. Had I limitless resources I think a 3D print scaled to my measurements would look much better on me but I'm proud of how much I was able to tame this beast and get it to work. On the hunt now for some sweet Siren merchandise!!
  2. Thank you so much everyone for all your helpful tips and suggestions! Life got in the way a little bit these past couple months but I finally made all the suggested changes: blackened my plash, trimmed and reshaped my bells, trimmed my hoses, lengthened my sleeves, shortened my mask strap, fixed my shin armor straps, and re did all my weathering with a three-color method (gray, black and brown) which turned out SO much better! Great tip! Anyway I just found out tonight I am officially approved as both Version 1 and Version 4, Val! I'm really excited, I've been working on this one on and off for a full year now and it feels really good to be crossing the finish line. Thank you again everyone who helped me, I'm so proud to be a TX!
  3. What if I trimmed the bells along the top/shoulder so the bottom grooves stayed intact? A little gentle boiling water shaping could make them still lay right. Will do on the sleeves, there's plenty of seam allowance on the cuff to lengthen. Tensioner is bronzed but it's photographing a little bit on the gold side so I will hit it with some more weathering, aa you suggested. You are correct, chest indent was a plain rectangle, so I (carefully!) cut it out, and glued in a new angled piece from the reverse side. Same with the back vents. Will try another set of photos shot straight on, see if that helps the look of the mask, will also take one with the mask up and goggles down. Thanks so much again for your help!
  4. Thanks so much for the feedback! I think the bells are big too but the shape and grooves made me a little stumped as to how/where to trim them so they still have the correct shape/lines. Maybe a little off both the top and bottom? What would you recommend? Not sure what to do about the mask either ... the 850 one was unusable and this was the only one out there to buy ... maybe having it a little higher up (shorten the neck strap) will make it appear less gigantic?
  5. Hey all, I've finally got my mud trooper into a place where I'd love some feedback on how it's looking. This is an 850 kit I modified (replaced the recessed section in front and the two in the back) and with Andrew's respirator. Soft parts I all sewed myself. I also have a pre-weathering shot of the back without the plash but I forgot to put the collar on and it was taken during a test fit before I attached the hoses. This is my fourth armor build and has definitely been by far the most challenging. Let me know where I need to improve!
  6. You bet! Here the screen cap is attached. And yep I'm following along as the CRL takes shape and making note of some needed adjustments so I can hopefully be ready not long after it goes live. (I did mine for a con back before the mudtrooper CRL was done so I have lots of little fixes to make anyway.)
  7. Just chiming in to say I'm really excited for this CRL, I've built this one as well as this Val's classic costume and am thrilled Val is finally being accepted by the 501st! Here's another reference posted to SW's instagram on Thandie's birthday, it really helped me work out the knots on the blaster lanyard: Great work everyone and I can't wait for the CRL!
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