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weldingdude last won the day on September 12 2019

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    Oakland, CA
  • Interests
    welding, prop making, robotics, 3D Printing, playing video games

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  1. off topic, but I really like that purple(? purple/blue? R2 blue?) on those Fett buckets...
  2. Sunday I finally put it all together, and got some photos. I'm feeling pretty ready to submit an application... could probably stand to add some more mud... especially on the boots...
  3. Whoops... used the image links, not the direct links... photos for easy access.
  4. welp! ... Sad to say, but it took me 9 months to get around to mounting up the shin guards... BUT! now that the Shins are mounted up, I got some mud and muck thrown on it! I think, I might be just about ready to submit for approval... Clean https://imgur.com/Kv5CgzO Muddy! https://imgur.com/yHV4ZbL https://imgur.com/NrZM58e
  5. done enough for a company Halloween party still need to finish rigging the shins, and I think I prefer having the ammo pouch slung across the hip... but overall I think it went together really well... a bit more mud and distressing, rigging the shins and I think I'm almost ready for approval...
  6. I think the TPU is a winner. it just kinda works. I just CA'd it down to the back, it has enough flex to let the chest plate mate with the back, and then you just bend the tips of the collar up till they pop into the holes on the chest plate. I am also planing on fiberglassing the inside of the armor, just cause I'm feeling a little paranoid about some of it being a tad fragile... might be overkill, but I'm feeling like I'd rather be safe than sorry.
  7. Thanks Kal! I really appreciate the feedback! also, I did some more mocking up while I wait for the rest of the new (IE:scaled correctly) chest plate to print, I *think* at this point, TPU with like 3 walls and 30% infill (almost solid) is the way to make the Sean Fields Collar work without modifying the collar. it looks really really promising. I'll post more pictures once I have more of the chest printed and the collar mounted up. sadly, that will be at least 2 weeks, since my real job sent me to MA for 2 weeks... at least the weather is nice.
  8. also, just finished printing the TPU collar, so far it looks promising. it feels like it will have the flexibility to mate up with the chest as designed.
  9. TPU just arrived, I'm going to give it a shot, see what happens. in other news, I decided to throw together an unofficial small med kit. (unofficial cause its seems really had to actually get the military surplus case shipped to the US. and also cause its a pretty big hefty case... not something I really want to be carrying around.) I'm planning on adding some shoulder straps to make it a little easier to carry. just a fun side project to keep my busy while waiting for the new chest and back armor to print... ?
  10. nice! that looks great! I ended up pulling the trigger on the aluminum case I found... I'm planning on adding a shoulder strap and a generous amount of mud... ?
  11. I wonder if I could get away with printing in a TPU or something... that might be interesting...
  12. soooo, I taped it together to decide if I should glue it or not... and discovered I had been a tad generous with my scaling. back to the printer ?...
  13. I need some advice... so the collar... I can't seem to get it to slot into the chest plate without snapping the tips off... tips? tricks? also, I feel like I'd be able to fit into chest rig if I glue the front and the back together... from people who have trooped more than me (ie. trooped at all) if I can get into it, is there a reason I shouldn't do that? in other news... MEDIC!!
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