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501st SpecOps[TX]
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spiderboyy last won the day on January 25 2020

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About spiderboyy

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    Empire City Garrison

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  1. Oops sorry, just saw this, DM me if you need anything
  2. I'm doing a removable chest box on my Del. Whats the easiest way to make it removable, magnets? I have a 5 magnets on it so far but it doesnt seem like its enough to hold it up and in place for any length of time
  3. As an update, I picked up new thighs because I wasn't really happy with the FX thighs, and I think I cut them too short. I also adjusted my shoulder bells to sit closer to my shoulder straps. I think I'm all good to go to take pics for approval
  4. So all I really should be taking off is the material near the cod piece?
  5. I've been a little hesitant to take more off than needed. Parts rub against each other and get caught on each other and I'm not sure if that's just a reality of what we do or I'm doing something wrong. Either way, I took off about a half inch and adjusted the button snaps holding the thighs up to maybe adjust where they sit according to your advice.
  6. Hey guys, I'm new to armor building, but I am an approved Del Meeko. I was able to acquire a set of FX Shadow Trooper armor and an Anovos helmet. I trimmed a lot of the parts including the forearms, biceps, thighs and shins. I know I still need some adjustment. I'm having a hard time getting the thighs to fit correctly, as FX thighs sit straight up and down instead of becoming narrower toward the knee. Any advice?
  7. Oh my bad, I thought you meant the straps for the armor. For the chest rig straps, I had a seamstress wrap leather I got from a fabric store around the nylon straps, and sew vertical stitches
  8. Look into Studio Creations, they make an overbelt in ABS. Has all the required room to fit the rivets and properly shaped boxes
  9. I'm actually not sure. I ordered them separately, I never got a full kit from anyone, I pieced the armor together from various suppliers. HSP and Jimmiroquai also make straps
  10. HSP, they did a great job and we're very helpful
  11. These are from WTFv reinforced with leather underneath
  12. Because I hate when people don't update threads I'm approved!
  13. I guess its intended to simulate metal coming though the paint
  14. Just a heads up, I spoke with my GMO for my local Garrison, as long as the Red isn't overpowered I'm good to go! Thanks!
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