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JAFO last won the day on March 9 2021

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About JAFO

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    Southern Cross Garrison

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    July 2020

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    Sydney, AU

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  1. It should be noted that some of the designs are idealised and not accurate. That's often the trade off for free files.
  2. Based on available imagery I would suggest they are black underneath the coating of Mimban mud.
  3. Welcome to the forums Jared. Good to have you here. Look forward to following your build and shout out with any questions.
  4. Hi Javi You can always contact the vendor and ask if it's something they have as a file or can create. I'm not sure I've seen the EC-17 cartridges anywhere else. Cheers Darren
  5. Hi Javi Here are a couple of options... https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/art/scans-replicas/mud-trooper-grenade-vals-version https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/military/other/mudtrooper-grenade
  6. Thanks for the pics Jorge. We would need more pics of the costume including shots of some of the parts, e.g. jacket, tunic, pants, boots, etc. These pics would also need to be in better quality. The first obvious call-out is the greaves. Korso does not wear these. Much of his kit is different to a Mudtrooper.
  7. Not sure about an available pattern but I reckon the Kradmantel is the correct style despite the buttons and pockets.
  8. Looks very compelling, especially given the collar material, but the Korso coat has a distinct lack of buttons, button holes and pockets, and the Kradmantel has plenty of these. Still feel it's the closest yet.
  9. Another detail I have noticed - which I had previously missed - is that the coat collar has a black material layer stitched on.
  10. Great work on pulling this costume together. Ultimately an LMO decision will decide whether or not a costume can progress to CRL, based on reference, but a few initial call-outs from me based on images reviews of Korso. These are not criticisms, merely observations. The Korso trench coat does not have stitched panels or button holes like the one you're using. The cuffs are also different. Korso does not wear the same tunic as a Mudtrooper. Korso does not have reinforced panels on his pants like a Mudtrooper. I previously shared some pics in Mike's research/build thread which highlight these differences.
  11. Congrats on starting your jour way! it is 100% possible to do a two-for with the Muddie and ICAT. Many have. other than the helmet you’ll need different gloves and a neck seal for the ICAT but everything else is interchangeable. You’ll also want to consider more tempered weathering as I some Muddies are too heavily weather to consider the ICAT - myself included!
  12. Thanks to Chapter 15 of The Mandalorian we have a ton of reference . They used MT kits from Solo for the ICAT Trooper. Here’s just one shot for you.
  13. JAFO

    New to the game

    Hi Dave! Great to see you adapting your ICAT to a Mudtrooper. You’ll find one solution to the Plash solution in my build thread here:
  14. I would have to agree with this statement.
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