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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by BUGSY575

  1. Yeah, this is only my personal opinion, but I also think the helmet from Radu just looks a bit off. It doesn´t quite look like the R1/Inferno Helmet or an OT TIE fighter helmet. The dome is much larger than other helmets (at least on his pictures). Besides, it has no edges and looks overall too round and smooth.
  2. Hi there, in my opinion, even if the current CRL states the AR-15 pouch is acceptable, you should not buy one, because it is just not accurate. Take screenshots from the game and you will see it is more of a little pillow. I made my own and attached it to the chest rig.
  3. Hi there, I always recommend to keep an eye on ebay and ebay Kleinanzeigen. I found The boots I am using for my inferno there and they are awesome. Just search for : "hohe Knobelbecher, Knobelbecher, officer boots, Offiziersstiefel..." I also heard crowprops is a very good vendor, but also very expensive, plus shipping to germany and customs duty can get very pricey too.
  4. The bandolier looks very good. You said The Buttons are too big: I used chicago screws with 10mm in diameter. But I think it depends on how big you Ammo Belts are. Mine are 36cm x 8cm and the screws look close to the Video game ones. If your Belts are bigger, you could also search for 15mm snap fastners.
  5. Looks awesome, but if I were you, I would shorten the ends of Hasks Ammo Belts a bit if possible so they look more like the ones from the game
  6. The helmet looks awesome! is this the one from Headshotprops or WTF? I got mine from Sandprop.
  7. If I remember correctly, the two outer Boxes on the scout belt are shaped like the shadow scout, but Dels have a different shape.
  8. The straps were simply torn apart, because they are so old. For a short person they would be knee high i think. However, I´m 1,94m tall, so they end at my calf, but are definitely not knee high Yes, the sole in the game was dark grey I think, but I dont know how to dye it ?
  9. Hi there, I already posted this in the JRS, but the topic inferno squad seems a bit dead there, so I post it hereI have purchased this pair of boots from ebay and wanted to ask, if they would be acceptable for an Inferno Squad costume. They are high Jack boots and pretty old, but still in a fantasic condition. Only the adjustment straps had to be replaced. Thanks and Regards, Sebastian
  10. If I'm not wrong the flyye chest rig still needs few modifications to be approvable. I've read The WIP of Maxprime and he made a pretty awesome chest rig.
  11. Oh, ok. I'm currently building a Del meeko myself, but I still didn't figured out how everythink is attached to the Belt. Like The Detonator, The scout pouches and the over Belt. Do you maybe have some detailed pics of your Belt or does someone else already posted pictures of theirs?
  12. Hi there, so do you need a regular Officer Belt and the "scout belt" is attached onto the officer belt? I thought I could reuse my officer belt, but if you need to attach snaps and fasteners to it, I need to get a second belt ?
  13. Hi, Your Del looks awesome! Did you attach the scout Pouches with Velcro to your belt? And how did you attach the leather strip on the back of your belt?
  14. Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately they were already sold out too, but luckily I got the last one from a Japanese seller on eBay. If I haven't overlooked something, I would say they are sold out everywhere or already discontinued ?
  15. Hi, Sorry for the question, I know you talked about it earlier ago, but I really couldn't find a shop anymore who is selling the flyye chest rig in black, but one. Some even state, the product is discontinued. The only shop who still has them is called "tactical gear trade" but I don't know if the shop is reliable. Did someone already order from them or should I just wait for it to return maybe at Amazon or ebay? Regards :), Sebastian
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