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Bobby Boucher

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Everything posted by Bobby Boucher

  1. That's good to know, the added flexibility is really interesting! I'll probably buy a roll now just for the heck of it! What printer do you use? Have you tired building an enclosure? That would help the bed keep higher temperatures with the warmer air
  2. Or just use ABS and you acetone smooth it! I think ABS is much easier to sand also
  3. Those prints are really clean, looks like you got your printer dialed in nice! How did you like the Pro PLA? Does it have better heat resistance than regular PLA? Hate to see this warp on a hot day
  4. The weathering is very impressive. Nice work!! Congrats on being in the CRL!
  5. The goggles looks great! Need to fix my printer so I can print one as well. What settings did you use to print? I noticed Molotow has become pretty popular after it was used a lot on Tested.
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