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TheLoneRanger last won the day on March 3 2021

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About TheLoneRanger

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  1. Ahh, understandable. I'm just curious to see what the two kits look like compared together so I can make a choice.
  2. Oh really? ?You wouldn't happen to have pictures would you?
  3. Does 850ArmorWorks make a good DT armor kit? I'm planning on buying from KB Props, I'm just curious about the 850 one.
  4. Forgot to include the picture of the greeblies. Unfortunately, they forgot to pack the left side of the front tube, so I'll have to wait for that to come in.
  5. So this came in the other day! When weather gets warmer I'll start working on it.
  6. Really? I was planning on doing the specialist variant, as well as doing level two. So I guess that works out. ?
  7. Hey all. I started a Deathtrooper several years ago but lost interest. Recently the urge to make one again hit me, and it wasn't helped by me finding a spare set of rubber shoulder straps in my closet that I'd forgotten about. So I'm taking the plunge into building the best trooper variant. (YEAH I SAID IT ?) So after doing my research, my shopping list goes as follows: Helmet: KB Props (Ordered) Armor: KB Props (Will order at a later time) Soft goods (Neck seal, gaskets, undershirt and such): GeekyPink Gloves: In hand (Imperial Boots) Body suit: Black scuba suit (in hand) Rubber shoulder straps: In hand, possibly KB Props shoulders Boots: Imperial Boots DLT-19X: HyperFirm, in hand, will be modified
  8. Thanks! My username on the FISD is the same as on here. I don't have 501st clearance over there though, even though I used to...
  9. This is a costume I'd be interested in doing, yes! ?I already have TK boots and gloves and pretty much all the soft goods, and I have a commissioned Z-6 that should be done just about any day now. I didn't approach the FISD as I figured with the wording and weaponry that the trooper would land here. So I'd be happy to talk with whoever I'd need to talk to so we could figure this guy out!
  10. Hey all, I'm posting this here as I've seen no threads about it, not here or on the FISD or anywhere else. maybe on the MEPD but I'm not a member there... Anyways, while playing Fallen Order, the Heavy Assault Stormtrooper caught my eye. Would doing one of these fall under the Spec Ops category if it were to be done? Taken from the description: "The Heavy Assault Troopers are specialized infantry serving the Galactic Empire on the front lines of war. They are primarily trained to defend combat zones as support squads to Stormtroopers patrols. They are highly proficient with the Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon, which fires off steady rapid, long-range bursts capable of inflicting heavy damage, and shielded by a low emitter energy ray. " I'd like to highlight the words "specialized" and "support." Clearly these are specialists trained in using the Z-6 Rotary Cannon, so I would think they'd fall here. If anybody else has seen someone building one of these and can link me a build thread to look at it, please share it with me. But, I figured I'd get your opinions. ?
  11. Thanks for the kind words. I'm planning on using the figure in conjunction with the CRL, yes. I'm working on a 3d model for my friend to 'tidy up' and make pretty for his 3d printer. ?
  12. Update: Actually received my helmet. I'm working with KB props on getting part of the armor, and the rest will be 3d printed. My Flamethrower is currently being printed. I inquired about a backpack kit but surprise surprise, the guy's ignoring me. I'll be making my own backpack still.
  13. Well, project on hiatus indefinitely. Pretty sure I got scammed out of my helmet. I'm working on my Biker Scout instead.
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