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mike ford

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Everything posted by mike ford

  1. ok I played with my stl file a bit to make it look a bit better again my research said 1.5 inches long and 1 inch wide I changed the open end to make it a bit more symmetrical and made the boxes on the side go through the side for a better detail that more matches the original makers design i hope this makes it as close to the game reference as possible I hope you all like it del buckle.stl
  2. i paid for the files and here they are for all of you [ADMIN NOTE: REMOVED STL FILES THAT WERE PAID FOR AS SINGLE USER LICENSE AND NOT COMMERCIAL, FOR LEGAL REASONS] these are the files i paid for from hyperspace props please do not post anywhere else outside of these forums.
  3. try this STL and see what you think I believe it is close enough to pass but I am not the one who has final say on these things. that being said it is a place to start and maybe some one who is better at building files can fix any flaws I have. delbuckle.stl
  4. i would like to try to model it up just need pics front and back as well as the measurment
  5. i too have tried contacting LFL the actor and the costume designer with no luck
  6. well another step forward got my boots and uniform all though I do need to alter the pants to fit and straight legs but I am moving forward
  7. boots and uniform ordered uniform will need to altered but it is ordered
  8. ok well we have a jacket now i need a pattern and a fabric waxed duckcloth ? the original was described as rubberized canvas if waxed is not correct enough what would be the best recommendation
  9. still having issues finding the right pattern or jacket anyone having better luck ?
  10. being so close it might be right for use as a pattern and remove buttons ,pockets and such
  11. i think i found it [img]https://i.imgur.com/h0QjnLg.jpg[/img] WW2 GERMAN RUBBERIZED MOTORCYCLE COAT (KRADMANTEL)
  12. i am still having issues with the jacket mt research says ww2 motorcycle slicker but if you can lock down the proper design let me know as i need that item as well and the suit is a navy officer like in a new hope with the straight legs as per the visual ref guid
  13. unlit [img]https://i.imgur.com/AvBoCqp.jpg[/img] lit up [img]https://i.imgur.com/uZo0L7T.jpg[/img]
  14. have not forgotten you guys will have my chest plate finished this weekend including lights except fpr the tube on the side but looking into that pics soon to follow
  15. well today is a good day i finally got a 3d file for the chest plate and a friend is printing it for me this week the belt is done the googles just need to be finished up and the proper spreader and straps figured out got the fabric goods figured out just need to save up for a new navy trooper dress uniform and then that 300 dollar jacket but i did find a maker the helmet and gloves are also done and now that we are saying (so far) that the back and shoulders are option due to the jacket i am getting closer
  16. also back plate and shoulder armor are under the jacket and should probably be assumed to be standard mudtrooper minus u shaped collar
  17. note pants and tunic are the same as imperial navy trooper dress uniform as depicted in the visual dictionary
  18. a couple more details thanks to the current mando episode goggle slide clips [img]https://i.imgur.com/1TrHf3E.jpg[/img] backplate details [img]https://i.imgur.com/24GXr6J.jpg[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/oBKE3nl.jpg[/img]
  19. can anyone get a better look at the goggle straps and buckles by chance
  20. already have version 2 and 3 (3) approved will go forward with getting straight leg pants for this build
  21. is it possible he is a navy officer ? thus the pants are straight leg black officer pants as is the tunic , that would make sense with the helmet as well if that is the case i just need the chest plate and jacket as the gun is not needed for approval.
  22. well that does change some of my build but not to much i have a black officer tunic no biggie there the pants i still need a definitive answer on i need more info on the google straps as well nice attention on the belt ,,thanks for catching that one
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