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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. It's great beening a 1st . If I make it to a con or troop there I have a closer look as I do like your tweaks and mods . With mine I had stomper's wired hovi's hooked to a rom fx pro . Also little tip I used to pack in my troop bag a pack of cotton gloves from cheap shops so when I armoured up I won't leave finger prints on it and took the gloves off as last thing to swap into the nomex gloves . And you been told bout the dish washing liquid trick ? Inside the lenses to stop them fogging up Cheers Wolf Oh yer almost forgot get word to me when you pass muster and I send ya a recent spec op patch .
  2. Sighs I remember when there was 3 of us down under as tx's and now there's how many lol .... Like the look of the finished armour build and build pics .and is that the AM kit ? Guess it time for mine to upgrade yet again to match rest of new bloods down under Cheers Wolf Btw love the wolf pic can I ask for a copy for a tattoo design ?
  3. wow doubt they have my size thou lol and i wear out shoes inside 6 months any way i just stick to my old 30 bucks specails non steel cap and spend 3 days with polish and buffing and spit and shining and then adding 6 to 15 coats of shoe lacquer ever month or 2 days before a troop to make them shine even my panzer jack boots get that treatment and i still havent got to ear them with anything costume wise yet lol Wolf
  4. i say so Black Hawk i wont go into detail how i get my stuff here in Australia due to legal aspect and tight weapon laws here and such but i seen and heard other Aussie importing said items in parts in diff packages and in one case one person i wont name had a bobba fett gun sent here painted in hot fluro pink and 20 mins later with some solvent paint remover to get rid of the pink there original paint job was showing but i sure if some one in u.k paints it up in a fluro colour and adds toy or such it may pass usa customs pending they block out the ainsworth markings on the box if there is any but think ainsworth just cant sell /ship to usa direct but esle where aint a problem so i belive Wolf
  5. mate of mine in uk knows ainworth and seen there e-11 close up basicly they made a mould and flop it so i belived and looks really bad but is easy to get his stuff in usa get a legion mate in u.k to get it for u and then drop ship it across with the ainsworth logos and such covered up Wolf
  6. sound like me here in oz i was luckie to get a second set off mon cal now trying to find a boot maker who ship to australia in us size 13 :S but i was luckie i scored a tb helm off ebay local off the new owner of the old altmans moulds :O and from what i been told and found out it was one the last one's altman pulled before he helped pack up his moulds to new owner in australia i just having probs building the kit as i am all thumbs and more thumbs with this kind of stuff let alone sewing ( was kicked out of sewing class for making the sewing machine into a home made jurry rigg tattooing gun ) have you tried altin amour ? he normally has some for sale i did have a set of that but sold it to a mate as i needed cash to pay a nasty bill Wolf
  7. hmm whast on my mind ..... wonder where them plans for death star are hidden

  8. has a rom fx pro i like it also have stompers hovi's but missing one so cant realy use them with romfx with me i was thinking i spending big on armour ,upgrades and blasters and such why not for the romfx kit there is also the basic romfx kit that is cheaper then pro and also skullworx if i rember right but like some have said they use the mp3 player and amp and speakers from the sale board here it all personal choice plus with my pro romfx i have 3 hidden buttons so i can get away fast with all units report to detention center and there one set for stun and i forgot the last one lol
  9. i have the fg42 from them and i post some pics in the morning for ya all looked great in the pics but i let the pics show you what i mean
  10. welcome aboard Muppet bout time there was a nother aussie here it was getting lonely
  11. any one know where there shops are in australia lol i want one to go with my other 12 inch tx
  12. is cool here mate as i am planing on making these parts into a heavy trooper with a mg34 or use my fg42 as a tx sniper rifle as i understand they dont need the drop box's lol Wolf
  13. my part's order seems right whats the damage i owe for my share?
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