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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by quigontimm

  1. Yeah, I've heard more and more horror stories of UPS as I tell people my own. Terrible. Thanks!
  2. Hey SpecOps! Those of you at SWC Anaheim may have been aware of my Mud Trooper kit not arriving to my hotel in time for the con. Sadly, it never made it. After a month of being jerked around by UPS, they admitted to losing it. Obviously I'm crushed by this. It was delivered somewhere in the Anaheim area but UPS doesn't know where. While I do intend on rebuilding my kit this coming winter, I'm hoping SpecOps can keep an eye out for anyone in the Anaheim area selling a Muddy kit or even popping up with new armor. I'd appreciate if you could let me know so I can take a look... just in case someone is doing something shady. Thanks!
  3. I appreciate all the work put into updating this CRL. Once it's finalized I plan on making some changes to my kit to at least reflect some of the more obvious items. This was my first build, so I learned a lot along the way and I'm eager to keep it up to par.
  4. good info, though it seems like a rather cumbersome accessory.
  5. very cool. I'll have to check that out. Thanks!
  6. Jeremy - I was a FF/EMT for 10 years, so I totally get the appeal to do a medic version. I'm just an email away (hopefully) from getting approval on my standard trooper version, but I also want to have the ability to do a medic. That said, I need to find some time to dig into things beyond the CRL, as I'm hoping the medic is more than just a different arm band. The darn thing is, there doesn't seem to be a medical bag or anything that we would expect.
  7. Would it be appropriate to cite dimensions of each of the boxes? Really, any of these descriptors are relative. Dimensions would be the most definitive guidance.
  8. I hadn't noticed that until getting the Solo MudTrooper six inch black series figure. The right greave is missing the top plate.
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