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In Memoriam[501st]
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Griffin-X last won the day on July 5 2018

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About Griffin-X

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Star Garrison

SpecOps Info

  • Costumes
    Shadow Scout
  • TotM Datestamp
    Mar 2012

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  1. To my knowledge, this was a collaborative decision between Spec Ops and JRS. I'm sure Steve (our DL) will add to this, but it was not an easy decision as each side has a good case and equal opportunity. Keep in mind, that even though a decision was made between the detachments -- the LMO can still override and place the costumes where THEY feel it will best serve the Legion. It's not always an easy process (as with the Shoretrooper), but works out in the end. I've watched the entire BF2 movies, and agree the characters seem more "special operations-ish". But they are also pilots. And the helmet is pretty much a Tie Pilot helmet -- minus the breathing tubes. Plus, the chest box. But again, it comes down to "what serves the Legion best" and provides each Detachment room to grow. Spec Ops has plenty of costumes and work in progress on new costumes. While, JRS does not. So...I'm cool with the decision. Hope this helps.
  2. Nope, never heard of them. Got any pics or a link?
  3. Looking very good! Keep it up and you'll be ready very soon.
  4. The issue has been corrected on the Pathfinders CRL and internal Lancer standards.
  5. Very nice and love the finish. What you have proposed is allowed here. But please make sure to post more details in public - like cost of a kit. Great work and should get lots of takers.
  6. The Last Jedi...

  7. Nah, nothing was "stolen" away. You know I was intimately involved in trying to align the ST with Spec Ops. But at the end of the day, it is with the Pathfinders. No worries and we work very closely with that detachment; we're all brothers and sisters in the Legion. Spec Ops and Pathfinders are closer than ever.
  8. Al mostly hangs out at bikerscout.net. You can visit there and click Members, then search for “Chunk”. That's his aka or member name. He's a trusted 501st member, too. Hope that helps!
  9. Hey there, no don't go there. Stay far away. If you're looking for a finished suit you could PM Chunk on this forum or the Biker Scout forum. He does a really nice one made from a Redkapp coverall. It has the riding patch, elastic, and butt flap along with the mandarin collar. That would give you EXACTLY what you need.
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