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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Coinshark last won the day on November 25 2019

Coinshark had the most liked content!

About Coinshark

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  • 501st Garrison
    Northern Darkness Garrison

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    LaPorte, IN

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  1. They are there, not as defined as anovos but enough to give you an idea. Everything depends on your body and how you fit it.
  2. I used Walt aka WTF. They had the best lead time at the time. I am super happy with his quality too. They also ran a special promotion to get a percentage off at the time so it worked out great for time and cost.
  3. Yeah it was a long nighted 4 days on top of my regular job. I have a reputation in my Garrison already.
  4. Well I smashed the kit out in 4 days and got approved yesterday. I'm told that finishing it that fast was insane. TX-81290 reporting in
  5. The last I talked with ATA, he was having a hard time finding black abs suppliers for the plastic.
  6. I've narrowed down my armor choices to AP and CFO, unless ATA comes back with a price. They are similarly priced. Is there anything that should sway me one way or the other? I am about 6'2" and 180 so, slightly tall and relatively slim.
  7. Hi all! I'm in the northern darkness garrison area and have started the process of becoming a member there. Wanted to start my WIP thread and get feedback as I go along with this. I got an ATA black Helmet kit. However, this weekend I started doing a happytrooper.com DLT-19 based build. Because I like big rifles So, right now that will be the main focus until I can muster up more to get the armor and all other required accessories. I have a scale model to use as reference too! Honestly, I think I'm going to change the barrel. After looking at the model and comparing it to the tutorial on happytrooper, to me, it is lacking some details. Helmet progressing. Want to switch to silver lenses instead of the green. Still need to paint the lines in the traps etc. and paint the ear buttons. I used drywall sanding mesh to help block out light in the teeth. Also, sewed some padding together but, that turned out to be a bad idea as the heat built up very quickly. I'll probably go with closed cell instead and just buttons.
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