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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by Barons_Crown

  1. Hey guys. Can anyone post good close up photos of the current (approvable) IAT helmet greeb / telemetry unit. Been looking thru build threads haven't found one yet. Thanks!
  2. Hahahahaha I know. The beard was a new feature this year. Dreading losing it but hey... gotta do what ya gotta do lol
  3. Quick and dirty on my blousing. I bunched up the bottom of my jumpsuit and sewed a thick elastic cuff. Put it over top of boot and tuck elastic up beneath fabric. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ngxhccbzxvt9bkv/IMG_20190509_1010567.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/b4aw6eoxfd5c8v9/IMG_20190509_1011558.jpg?dl=0
  4. I understand re: Level 2. Just offered since it looks like Level 2 is a few months away. But I can wait ?
  5. I could get it done in a week or two based on what I have already. Pretty much have everything ... lol I’d even shave my beard. Sticking point still is fact I only intend to do Level 1 for it. Not overly keen on the olive boots, glove squares or the electrobinos. (Still a little confused about what type of EB pouch will be approvable if no EB present). If time does become an issue I can move forward with the Lv1 version. Just let me know
  6. Hey guys. Sorry I mentioned blousing and disappeared. Unfortunately "real life" stuff has kept me off forums. I'm still watching this with interest ( although I will likely do a level 1 version after CRL approved) and have a bunch of Janek items to ultimately convert my IAT. So for blousing it was really simple. In the army we used these small twisted olive fabric elasticized ties (ends link up with 2 hooks) that we would tie around top of boot and roll up the excess leg fabric / tuck up underneath the elastic strap. What I've done with my current IAT suit which I find helpful us sew a thick elastic cuff at the bunched bottom of my flightsuit legs. If you tuck the elastic cuff up beneath the legs it also achieves the blousing effect. I'll post some pics later.
  7. The guys in my build all got the Elbeco Transcon suits ... I got a 46L just based on reading sizing conversions online and it worked out for me. There is a lot of excess fabric in the back of these suits (moreso for the girl in our build group) but so far everyone seems to have nailed sizing.
  8. Ah gotcha. Yeah I need to do a vertical mount with a set that have the angled loops in back.
  9. Out of curiosity @TX-15293 how did you mount the MP40 pouches vertical. I have a couple they have the canted mounting straps on the back meaning they go on the belt angled. I've heard of some guys using zip ties or screws. Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  10. Already done. GML felt it was a great tie in. Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  11. Looks great so far Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  12. No worries guys. Appreciate the feedback. The soft hat on a non-officer only appears in a couple panels and was granted official optional status, so it made sense to me that the TK belt clearly appearing in the same amount of frames would be as well. I'll be trooping with the belt... aside from appearing in print it actually ties the character into the SW universe pretty well. lol instead of Mr No Stripes I can be Mr. Ammo Belt [emoji23] Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  13. I think the reasoning for allowing them is far simpler. They are actually wearing them in multiple frames in the comic [emoji6]. Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  14. Even if it is scavenged parts... it's in wear in multiple frames. Boba Fett scavenged wookiee scalps, they weren't issued. But they are on his outfit. Han and Luke I mentioned simply because they are examples of the TK belt being used. Naturally I know they are RL and not in our realm. But merely an example of the ammo belt being used (or yes scavenged). I'd think it would be fairly simple to provide screen caps and say it's in wear by IATs ... for an optional accessory (not mandatory). Obviously not every IAT will have to (or want to) do the TK belt. But a few in the comics did. I'll plug ahead with weathering mine ... definitely adds a little something and can be referenced back to the book. Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  15. Congrats! Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  16. Also think with the Muddie having the lower ammo belt (and Vietnam bandolier)... the FO TK having the chest harness with Ammo pouches, Luke and Han rocking these same TK ammo belts while in their own clothes in Death Star in ANH... plus with it showing up in multiple panels with IAT (and Engineer) it's not a "way out there" idea. Decent add on for an option. Definitely not mandatory as I'll concede not every IAT illustrated wears one. So strictly as an approved option. Also guys who are having harness trouble may find it helps keep things tight and in place harness wise... so it's an add on that will actually help some people during trooping in my opinion (how often do we ever get options that improve comfort?!? Lol) I've weighted my harness significantly and that definitely helps... but nothing has helped more than having the harness straps and connectors beneath this TK belt. Also there is a bit of shock value right now with the unweathered TK belt I'm wearing. It's REALLY white. Weathering it should be required to make it look a bit more at home. Or maybe a cream canvas belt. Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  17. Even this IAT with the long gun appears to be wearing the TK style belt. Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  18. Also if you look in the back (on the right) of this panel, the two tallest heads are a TK and an Engineer. Clearly a black uniform and soft cap. So front guy IS an IAT. Colour aside, no rocker patch for Sapper etc. on our front row TK belt wearing trooper. They were pretty good about drawing those on our Sapper lads. So based on seeing a black uni in the background of that panel for colour contrast reference I'd be comfortable calling our front row guy an IAT. Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  19. The one panel clearly it's an engineer (black uni / soft hat) - with an IAT beside him apparently wearing one (has helmet, green suit). In the main panel I'm relying on and posted ... it's an IAT based on colour of uniform (green) vs how sappers and engineers appear as clearly black. There's a helmet and no backpack. So not a Sapper. The colour of the belt is intentionally the same as the TK's beside him in that frame. And lighter than the rest of his uniform. I believe that is because it's a white TK belt. I'll see how many more panels I can find. Just think for an "option" - not required by any means - it's a great element tying in the Star Wars universe. Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  20. Hey guys. Was just weathering and doing some adjustments to IAT kit today. Some of the panels I'm running into for reference show IAT guys wearing TK ammo belts. A panel has an Engineer wearing one as well. So for hits and giggles I threw a spare TK belt on as depicted in the panels. I've tried wearing the belt as worn in the comic (over top of the harness directly above the Alice belt) and it actually (for me) keeps the harness straps all lined up and tight. Also adds a bit more "Star Wars" to the outfit. I intend on wearing it with my rig (I need to weather the belt and ammo boxes still) but since it appears in panels I'm suggesting it be made an official "optional" accessory. Appears to be standard TK abdomen ammo belt (without drop boxes) and TK white or off white colour canvas belt. In the one frame it's clearly and IAT and the belt is clearly lighter than anything else on the uniform all the way across regardless of shadow (ie it's white). This makes sense as either it was issued that way or picked up off a fallen TK? Also reminds me of Luke and Han wearing TK ammo belts while in their normal clothes in ANH, likely for the same reason. In the photo with the Engineer wearing the TK belt, the IAT beside him also appears to be wearing one. Just an idea. I think once it's weathered up to define the outline of the boxes better and break up the contrast it will look good. And is also rooted IN the comic. Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  21. Would be great to keep the jack option for level 1. Would honestly keep me "in the game" with this costume if that's the case. The commuter boots I've found here are just horrible quality lol. Bend a certain way they rip. Engineer and IAT have them so would be great to keep them for Officer. Sent from my BBD100-2 using Tapatalk
  22. Hey guys. Regret I didn't do a build thread but I've been approved as the first IAT in our garrison. Believe our build group up here is up to 7 or 8 so there will be many more. This forum was invaluable for me in finishing this ... so thanks to the guys that went before and did post a build thread. Thinking about Mud trooper next... this time I'll do a build thread lol
  23. Tough to say if it's a commuter boot OR if the pants are bloused over a regular jackboot. Lol I remember my Army days up here we had the small boot blousing elastic ties ... I think the same effect can be achieved here by blousing the legs of the suit a little further down the jackboot from the top.
  24. I'd think the grenade pouch should be fine. I have a couple already was gonna pick up a couple more to do this Janek setup. They look pretty close
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