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  • 501st Garrison

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    Bensalem PA

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  1. Hello! so I may have to restart on building my del Meeko inferno squad outfit. What are some other places such as Radu, that I can buy the armor and helmet from? I am considering selling my Jim tripon helmet and armor at a reduced cost if someone Would like to buy it and work on it themselves
  2. Thanks! I have to do some touch ups, the armor and helmet is from Jim Tripon who makes his stuff out of fiberglass. I’m gonna have to clear coat it to achieve the glossy look
  3. Looking to see what you guys think https://imgur.com/gallery/Edfh71R
  4. I will be getting mine from him soon and will be posting questions. Is there a link to the group on Facebook ?
  5. I placed an order to Jim Tripion tonight, cant wait till I see how everything turns out
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