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Bleach Trooper

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    Minneapolis, MN.
  • Interests
    everything scifi, tattoos, motorcycling and tons ofother random things!

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  1. 5’ 8” 150 lbs I’m sure I will get it, it just get frustrating. Also hard to figure out where I need to trim especially trying to get things on myself correctly by myself in a mirror. Just gets overwhelming.
  2. Yes anovos. I am getting very frustrated with this damned thing! Every new thing I go to work on seems waaaay to big for me and basically too flat. I tried to do a test fit today taping everything together and I looked like a kid wearing his dads outfit! im just going to not look at it for a day or two and try not to think about it. That Irish temper is telling me to burn it all!!!
  3. Trying my first shadow storm trooper build. So far so good. Taking longer than I like but I’m trying not to mess anything up! So many questions as I go, still learning how to use forums before asking stupid questions. I’m probably annoying Ukswrath already! Sorry dude! Anyway here’s some photos I have been compiling. More to come as I go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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