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Everything posted by fenrir_kyramud

  1. These are always in stock at Walmart. While I avoid Walmart like the plague, I knew they'd have cheap boots.
  2. I have been searching for a good tutorial on how to make the "tubes" of the Scout thermal detonator. Found one thread, from about 1.5 years ago, with an incredibly rude and condescending reply. Which contained a broken link. Is there a "stickied' tutorial on how to obtain or make the corrugated tubes?
  3. I just bought these and think they'll do the trick. They were cheap (20.00) so if I have to heavily modify the sole, I'm not going to be heartbroken.
  4. Ok, so a black construction or hiking type of boot, with a black sole is best. Thank you.
  5. Guess the first question here; What type of boot make the best base for a Shadow Scout? I've read tutorials on modifying Biker Scout boots and Shadow boots look to be the same. Plus, I know a few Biker Scouts who could help with construction. But, is vinyl the only acceptable material? I'm fairly competent with leather and if possible would like to use it instead.
  6. Hello, guess it's time to start posting up my WIP. Still printing parts, but this is my progress. Also, on my Anet A8, is the center belt piece. And on my CR-10S, the thermal detonator main body.
  7. Thank you, this does help. Can't wait for the updates to be official. Still printing all of my armor, but need to start working on my soft parts soon
  8. Hello, I've been reading the CRL's for both standard and Shadow scouts, and have a question about flight suits. I am a big guy, one-piece flight suits and I just don't get along. So, I'll be opting for a two-piece set (planning on black bdu's). The question is; The Biker Scout CRL does not include the requirement for a one-piece flight suit, on level 2 approval, yet the Shadow does. What is the reason for the difference?
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