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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by tk48911

  1. great job on your build! im also working on a WTF shadowtrooper kit at the moment...how long did it take you to finish the bucket? I'm having issues aligning/curving the ears right...might have Walt send me another pair...actually random question, did you use both pairs of your ears?
  2. yeah he was selling at one point for $900 i believe...i had talked to him as well
  3. ordered from IB today, store opened early!
  4. i also noticed that the 2nd link's boots elastic 'U' area is a little different than IB's design...it's definitely closer than the eBay ones...
  5. hey man, yeah i agree w/your points. the 2nd link does look closer to the CRL/IB ones, the shop told me their Large size is a US 12.5 instead of just a 12...so i'm worried it might still be slightly big even w/an insole. I am probably going to wait until next friday when IB opens back up to order...it just sucks that they don't ship until after the wave closes...so i'm prolly looking at sometime in june before they even ship to me...
  6. Also looking for the black boots, saw this sale on eBay: starwars stormtrooper shadowtrooper armour costume boots accurate anh https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F163670546508 and then this site has them: https://www.stormtrooper-costumes.com/33,278,stormtrooper_boots.Shadowtrooper_Ankle_Boots_Black_Leather___Great_Value.html my TK boots are from Imperial Boots and I know they sell the black ones but their shop doesn’t up again until 5/24...but I know their quality is good obviously. The sides on both of these are different and also different than Imperial Boots...looking for feedback on them or I should just wait to order next week
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