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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Bogan

  1. How did u attache dthe MP Pouches? Especially when you change to Gideon with out them. Thx
  2. Allready had my first Shadow Trooper Escort on the last Troop
  3. Finished my DLT-19 Not 100% acurate, but still ok i think..
  4. Finished the Holster, Belt, Neckseal and working on the Detonator.
  5. Since its my first Trooper Armor iam open to every Tip, Trick or Opinion. Parts i have so far.... ( red/finished, Yellow/missing, orderd or in construction) I will document my Progress and every Piece Armor: Unkown Maker US, 2,5 mm black Gloss ABS : Recieved Helmet: RWA Creations. : Missing Undersuit: Sport Compression Wear, 2 Pieces: Recieved Boots: Jodhpur Boots : Recieved Leather Neckseal: Selfmade/Finished Holster: Selfmade/Finished Belt: Canvas : Selfmade/Finished MG Ammo Pouches: Recieved Shoulder Pauldron: Recieved E11 Blaster: 3D Printed/Finished DLT19 Blaster: Selfmade ( not most accurate) Electronics: TRamp: Missing
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