This isn't a build as much as I ordered the costume from @Horus on the main Legion boards:
First, the Gallery (I'm not going to subject all of you to a whole lot of pictures, but if you want to do it to yourselves):
The costume is well made overall, and looks better in person than in the pictures (I need to stop asking that one guy to take pictures ...)
The boots are calf high (I know, they look shorter because of the angle), but I should have paid extra to get them in my size (anyone want a pair of jackboots, Ukrainian made, size 46?). I've ordered replacements from KeepTrooping.
The gloves that came with it are army winter gloves that meet the CRL standards, but I substituted the gloves I wear with my Non-Saga Officer costumes.
The armor just fits me over the tunic, so I'm guessing it's a default size print, and unfortunately the buckle snapped off the left shoulder strap as I was de-kitting. Fortunately I have a spare pair of flexible straps that I can use as replacements.