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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Wompet

  1. Sorry for the delay - I had to dig my secondhand Walt's kit out of the WIP bins. The greeblies have been attached on mine (separate pieces, not part of the vacuum-form). The guy that I bought the kit from didn't mention having to source any parts, so I'm guessing that the greeblies were included along with the printed inserts for the back. [img]https://i.imgur.com/nv8YcVr.jpeg[/img]
  2. Figured that I should post a picture of my approved costume, in case anyone was thinking of using the same vendor. Tunic, pants, hat, and boots are Keep Trooping. Belt and boxes are from @Horus’ Aldhani Trooper kit. Gloves are German army surplus. Joker who took the photo with my eyes closed - my brother.
  3. I suppose that I should post a picture of the approved costume:
  4. @Horus has a sales thread on the main Legion boards, but with the war on their delivery might be close. If you do decide to buy from him, don’t bother to get the boots or gloves as part of the package - you can better ones elsewhere. Actually, depending on your IOC costume, you might already have gloves that would work. And if the jackboots for your TIE Reserve are tall enough, you wouldn’t have to worry about boots either.
  5. Thanks. Our GML approved my Security Trooper too, but our GWL hasn’t updated my profile yet.
  6. Finally got pictures taken while wearing the KeepTrooping boots, and my GML approved both the armored and unarmored versions. And at the same time, I submitted the photos of my Andor Security Trooper, so hopefully that will be approved shortly.
  7. I ordered from KeepTrooping. CrowProps has less expensive options, but I wasn’t sure that my GML would approve the rear zippers. I also looked at Epic Militaria and Hessian, but I also wear a 10.5 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. Small update - my GML is currently not approving this costume for two reasons. First, the white stitching in the rank bars: [img]https://i.imgur.com/yUoyO77.jpeg[/img] So I'll have to resew those. Second, the boots are too short ... and pebbled. No matter, I was going to replace them anyway.
  9. This isn't a build as much as I ordered the costume from @Horus on the main Legion boards: https://www.501st.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=114283 First, the Gallery (I'm not going to subject all of you to a whole lot of pictures, but if you want to do it to yourselves): https://imgur.com/a/pmwO62I The costume is well made overall, and looks better in person than in the pictures (I need to stop asking that one guy to take pictures ...) The boots are calf high (I know, they look shorter because of the angle), but I should have paid extra to get them in my size (anyone want a pair of jackboots, Ukrainian made, size 46?). I've ordered replacements from KeepTrooping. The gloves that came with it are army winter gloves that meet the CRL standards, but I substituted the gloves I wear with my Non-Saga Officer costumes. The armor just fits me over the tunic, so I'm guessing it's a default size print, and unfortunately the buckle snapped off the left shoulder strap as I was de-kitting. Fortunately I have a spare pair of flexible straps that I can use as replacements.
  10. And now I have to offer apologies for jumping the gun on the gloves. The following have been mentioned on the Officer's Forums for the "Non-Saga Officers," whose gloves appear to be the same as the Andor Trooper. You will notice the smooth back, u-shaped recess on the inner wrist, and thumb seam. All at $100 less then the Dents. And at least one member paid slightly extra to make them touchscreen compatible (for those of us who like/need to be able to use our smartphones). https://www.etsy.com/listing/611966182/men-leather-gloves-hsm2018?click_key=c8edd0d7ce10adf442d633deea269fcc375461ad%3A611966182&click_sum=3d235a2a&external_collection=&frs=1&sts=1
  11. I think he was asking: Are the lower pockets box or accordion style, or basic patch pockets? Referencing this picture that you posted: They are basic patch pockets, with no gussets (rectangular in shape, with flaps and pockets having sharp corners).
  12. I think those are the black-tunic and pants troopers first seen in Episode 8. The armor is probably the same, but before anyone starts using it as reference for the green troopers under discussion ...
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