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TX11559 last won the day on November 10 2024

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About TX11559

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  • Name
    Barak Michael
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  • 501st Garrison

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  1. Thank you so much! sorry for the late respond, I am not that good with the forums : P
  2. Death Trooper, sorry about that, just edited the title
  3. Hello everyone, TX1159 here, I have a woman which is interested in joining our ranks at Israel, however I am having hard time to find good vendors for DeathTroopers, ( which she is interested in), any suggestions? FULL KIT ready to wear CRL + Soft, Thanks in advance, Be well!
  4. Hey folks, I wonder to ask, does anyone know a good place to buy this outfit, full set? Thanks in advance! Costuming:TX imperial army trooper andor - Databank (501st.com)
  5. Very well, I have told him to come here, thanks. Also sent him the different vendors options.
  6. Hello everyone, I know some of you know me and some of you don't (Shadow scouts should be quite shouldn't they?), anyway my question is, I have someone over in Israel who is interested in building a shadow stormtrooper, and I wonder to ask about suggestions for different vendors, prices and everything that can be useful (for now he is interesting in full armor and soft parts) Also if any shadow stormtrooper, would like to be a mentor and help him privately, I will be more then thankfully for it. Be safe, And thanks in advance. TX11559.
  7. Yes I did hear they are good, yet they are closed so it is quite a problem. as for the 3d, my fear exactly, I know I will somehow manage to break it
  8. Sorry for late respond, and thanks for answering by the way! haven't decided yet, but the 3D seems good enough to buy however the fragile is quite something I am scared off, what would be your offer then to do ?
  9. I see, and what about Doopy Doos ? what is their blasters made from ?
  10. I am talking to Premiere props to be honest and waiting for prices and etc, how his items? do they come finished and painted?
  11. Hello everyone, I am quite new and got approved not long ago, I have a full outfit with a small blaster but interested in getting a rifle as well, or well a blaster. E-11 Blaster DLT-19 HeavyBlaster Rifle DLT-19x Targeting Rifle DLT-20a Blaster Rifle from this list I understand that the E-11 is the cheapest? if that is so, where may I find a good one for a shadow-scout? I was suggested to get a rubber blaster so it won't hurt the kids, any ideas? also any pre-owned seller for example ?
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