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Everything posted by badcompany71!

  1. Some more work has been done it's slowly but surely getting there still quite a bit too do
  2. A little more done today started the glueing of pieces together Chris Harries shared 4 photos with you from the Flickr app. Check it out: https://www.flickr.com/photos/185989145@N03/shares/22Hcyw
  3. Yeah I'm really happy with how close they are
  4. New boots bought that are a better match to the red of the armour
  5. A little more work done I've nearly finished all of the trimming with help from a friend https://www.flickr.com/photos/185989145@N03/shares/YYC3A9
  6. I've added fans to the helmet and will hopefully be doing some more trimming in the next few days after Xmas
  7. Hi rat I believe your the same guy I've spoken to on FB I've just started my magma journey also
  8. How do I find the magma area to rename it please?
  9. Hopefully this will work this is pics of my boots gloves helmet which has already been made and my armour in the box https://www.flickr.com/photos/185989145@N03/shares/H9s49J
  10. So my kit has arrived for those of you in the UK I went with Ross Walmsley from rwa creations I'm off round to a friends tonight to start the trimming process I'll be taking pictures on my phone how would I go about uploading them to here as it says my files are too big?
  11. Thank you I must admit I'm really nervous about doing it as I've never built a kit before and yes I agree it does look really good I just hope I do it justice
  12. Hi no I'm not 501st and no it's not my first kit I have a full tie pilot kit and full at-at driver but this will be the first kit that I will be building And thanks for the welcome ?
  13. Hi just new member here I have a magma trooper kit on the way so hoping to join the ranks as soon as it's together
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