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jochensen last won the day on November 9 2020

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    German Garrison

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  1. I came up with my own - see attached. They are work in progress though and will likely require tweaks. I've only swapped out the clips on the legs in my kit and may end up leaving the original ones on the helmet, chest and arms as they look reasonably close to the reference, so I haven't continued working on them. Shin_Clip v2.stl Spat Clip Base.stl Bicep_Clip.stl Forearm_Clip.stl Clip_Neu v3.stl
  2. Great news and thanks to everyone involved in getting this together! Can't wait to work this into my build!
  3. A little bit of progress. Looking at the text draft for the back plate, I realized that mine doesn't match. Yay, another part that needs tweaking. I cut out the trapezoid shape below the left shoulder buckle and replaces it with a 3D-printed part that has enough lines. I also cut out the circle and replaced it with a 3D-printed part that has a wider seam between the upper and lower halves. I'll add a black circle to the back which will be easier than masking off the black sections, so they're currently "see through". Lastly, I added a plate on top of the lowertrapezoid so reflect the shape standing out more from the base plate towards the top. I also added the lines on the outer back panel of the left forearm which were missing completely on the part from my kit. On the inner panel, I'm replacing the Pickatinny rail with a printed part as well.
  4. Thanks for the feedback! Yep, I‘ll sand down the clip. I broke a couple when I printed them thinner so I thought it‘s easier to sand them down later. For the boots, I used transparent high-gloss plastic spray for rims. A couple of layers do the trick and stay flexible. In the meantime, I also found it in RAL 3020 which is the red I‘m going for.
  5. Fixed the front seam position and extended the angled lined to the new seam.
  6. The buttons in the rail currently look like this: In the CRL draft you've added a seam to the front which is supposed to visually seperate the inner arm panel. I was assuming that this front seam also needs a counterpart seam on the back. I've drawn a black line where it would have to go on the back because the other vertical lines run so close to the panel. Id the seam on the back isn't required then that would be perfect. Front seam and sketched back seam: Is this okay for the vertical seam in the bicep?
  7. What do you think regarding the angled lines in the bicep parts? Are they too steep and is the "V" share too narrow/pointed as a result of that? I'll likely replace the clips as they appear to be a bit too small (around 35mm wide).
  8. Added the bent/circular share at the top of the back inside section of the right firearm and extended the vertical lines. I also removed the original Pickatinny rail and replaced it with a new one to reflect the opartial cover of the lowest block and the smaller distance between the blocks compared to the left forearm. Also, the new rail is less recessed into the forearm (but still is slightly recessed as it looked that way on the images with the blocks slightly sticking out. On another note, I was able to add the vertical seam on the front inside section to seperate the panel but I can't really add that seam on the back given how the vertical lines are on the part. Will that be an issue?
  9. For the collar, I've tweaked the center piece. I may replace it with a properly cut new trapezoid when I clean this up but this should now be skewed more like in your reference picture. The red line indicates where the center piece disappears behind the chest.
  10. For the Thermal Detonator, do you mean like this?
  11. I realised that the Thermal Detonator in my kit varies from the WIP CRL description so I made a new one from scratch and 3D printed it. This is it after rough sanding and a first coat of filler.
  12. It's been a while since I got to work on my Sithtrooper. Hopefully I'll manage to update my build here more regularly now. I've been playing around with several reds for the colour but I think I'll stick with this one. Works perfectly with my boots color as well as the Hot Toys figure. I also made progredd on my collar. Looks like Jimmiroquai's collar would have worked looking at the lastest text edits on the WIP CRL but as I had already begun making the changes T thought I'd finish them regardless.
  13. Thanks, although it doesn't seem to match the description in the text draft which lists 7 sections on each side with the 6th being twice as wide as the others?
  14. I've created new clips for the thighs, shins and spats... ... replaced the box on the right thigh with a new 3D printed one... ... and I'm trying to figure out the correct pattern for the raised sections on the collar. Section 6 (the wide one) sits centered on the top of the shoulders, section 7 is extending to the back. Is that correct?
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