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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Justin89

  1. Posts on the 501st forums point towards taking a white TK to "an auto body shop and have them paint it with a few coats of automotive paint and clearcoat?", IanL (501st Legion Forums). Or better yet, I really think this is a GREAT idea is "... to get a set of black armour, then paint it red... Any scratches that come through will be black, so look better as battle damage. ...", MarkG (501st Legion Forums).
  2. As far as finding someone to pull the plastic for me, I seem to be coming up short after contacting AP. This is his response when I asked if I could find the plastic and have it mailed to him. On the other hand I have also contacted ATA and he seems to make it out that it's not as big a deal. However now I just need to find the supplier to purchase just enough for a suite and not a pallet full!
  3. hello all, this is kinda a greeting and looking for insperation on becoming a magma trooper... i have been in the 501st for almost a year now and i want to try something new... i have been researching, and best concept so far is to have a 'red' plastic pulled instead of painting it... i have been talking to ATA, who i purchased my TK kit from, to use some red gloss hipps to make me a magma... so two questions at this point, does anyone know of a local supplier, in the U.S.A., that has gloss red hipps sheets? and secondly, how or with what product would be best to color some boots?
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