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  1. Totally understand. When I get the parts printed and ready to assemble, believe me, I will be posting. This is a new journey in to printing and I want you all to join in. For me, I can afford this direction in printing armor pieces. I do have the Anovos armor was my first time ever building by myself and not so much guidance and became unwearable. To do it all over again, would like to lean towards a level one build, and I made that mistake going towards centurion and was prone to mistakes left and right, which happen to the first kit. Would like to spend money to do it all over again, but lol my honeymoon came first. So, would love the guidance and advice from all of you. So my printing projects right next to the armor. I’ll update on the build! https://photos.app.goo.gl/TSQ5iJneVdQaVCVj7 https://photos.app.goo.gl/TSQ5iJneVdQaVCVj7
  2. here’s the piece that took 10 hours to print. Layer height of 0.3 and infill at 2%. I had to cut the chest on Mesh mixer to fit my printer. https://photos.app.goo.gl/NVePBTp46YPW843i9
  3. Here’s that whole forum of the process he went through. https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/47493-christhepropguy-tk/ The helmet that came with armor kit is ok. I’m saying this because the ears are not scaled to the proper size. I gotten the other helmet files just because the ear ranks are attached to the ears if that makes any sense. The TD I won’t use since I have a Anovos TD that can reused. What amazed me he added vacuum formed detail on the parts and is asymmetrical.
  4. I forgot how to post the pictures on the forum. And the picture through my phone is too big. Can you help me?
  5. So, as you can see, I’m asking what red paint would be great for a Crimson Stormtrooper. I don’t have white or black armor. But I have armor, but needs to be printed, filled, primed, sand, filled to get to the final stage. I have acquired Christhepropguy’s TK ANH TK files and they are great! So my plan, is making a Crimson and seeing what red would work fantastically on this build. Thank you all!
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