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  1. awesome thanks, sadly the snaps arent available anymore, recommend any others??
  2. hey i also will be starting my jim kit soon and wanted to start gathering all the misc items like snaps and nylon straps for putting everything together. what snaps and nylon did you get?? amazon??? thanks
  3. where is that e-11d from if you dont mind my asking.
  4. here is the link https://buyairsoft.ca/product/lucid-lg3-500r-magazine/ also i really like the snap and strap method you used. may end up sending you some dms or a facebook add if you wouldnt mind when the time comes.
  5. hi im near montreal and for the mag clips i ordered the long and short ones from airsoft sites. actually found a place in toronto i think that had them very cheap
  6. Hey all, ive finally made the first step into the DT by ordering Jim’s kit and i have a few questions. First off i talked to a local professional car painter and hes agreed to paint the armor once i sand it down and get it all ready. Is that a good idea?? Is there a place i can get strapping or what do you recommend for assembling the pieces together? What kind of sanding paper will i need for Jim’s kit? What are the realist magazine cartridges available for shipping to Canada? Thanks for your time and help.
  7. hi, im currently looking at the possibility of buying an Anovos kit. the seller says its a one size fits all and ranges from 5’9 to 6’1. soft parts are large. if the soft goods arent big enough for me where could i look to get my size. is that info accurate for the anovos one size fits all, it hasnt been trimmed yet. im 6’ 220ish. thanks for your help.
  8. who did you do business with for the rest of the kit minus gloves??
  9. what is the inferno squad face book group called??
  10. thanks for the replies. going with 3Dprops after talking to Tom.
  11. hi, im looking for fully finished DLT-19D and or E11-D. been checking out various sites from the vendors list but most are out of stock or dont have the finished product option. i came across this vendor on etsy and was wondering if he was worth the buy?? https://www.3d-props.com
  12. are all anovos helmets standard size?? i have a shadow trooper that fits me so im guessing its safe to buy the DT specialist one??
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