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Jsilvius last won the day on March 2 2021

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    North Chesterfield, VA

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  1. More progress is being made on this kit. I'm building it and my new TK at the same time, so, yay me! Question, the raised part on the front the thigh. Is is a certain width for Level 1? This kit is a bit small in my opinion, and I feel like I'm having to leave a lot of the extra plastic on it to fit around my thighs. Here is a picture of the right one. I also have the shins, forearms and biceps done, minus cover strips.
  2. So my armor from CTPG showed up today. Everything looks about right, except the helmet. I think this is a bad pull. The left side has a huge gap. thoughts?
  3. The forearms as done (except cover strips). So time to move on to the biceps. Question for masses, return edges, are need needed on the biceps, or forearms? On the TK we remove them, and it is required to remove them for the the front of the forearm (wrist area) for our Level 2 approvals.
  4. Well, I'm waiting on my hard armor and boots for my Shadow Scout, so I acquired a Shadow Trooper and figured I'd start working on it while I'm waiting to finish my Scout. Helmet is almost done, needs some paint and I ordered some @ukswrath hovi tip speakers for it, but didn't realize I needed and amp for it, so that is next. I'm working on the forearms, but I don't know the maker of this kit, so I'm trying to figure out which is left and which is right.
  5. One step closer. Waiting on boots.
  6. As someone who is building this kit currently, just for the sake of simplicity, I would consider following the Pathies down this rabbit hole. Mostly just because I and others that I know have used the build threads on their detachment to help build their kits, and having two Detachments with the same "style" of helmet but one allowing a specific version and the other not, might cause some confusion on the builder's end.
  7. Ordered my soft goods from CB Props during his New Years sale. They arrived yesterday and I think they look pretty good. Still need to attach the cod, and put something in the pouches to fill them. Trooping GalaxyCon Richmond all weekend, so hopefully next weekend I can work on the armor. Still looking to source boot and gloves. But getting closer.
  8. I think I need to work the chest plate a bit more. It looks, okay. I started work on the back plate and one of the drop boxes. Waiting my soft goods to arrive. I'm hoping to have this all complete by March, but we'll see.
  9. Helmet has come a long way. I think it is just about done. Need to get the decals and the visor. But I think that paint job looks 🔥
  10. I haven't added that yet. I was looking for it in the parts list and final found it. It is on the printer now.
  11. Okay so the tank and the tank detail just came off the printer. Does this look about right?
  12. Okay, after some time off, I'm back at this. I ordered my soft goods from CB Props. And I'm going to try and make my own boots based on the post from the pathfinder forum. https://forum.501stpathfinders.com/topic/19708-biker-scout-boots-tutorial/#comment-178103 Just need to source the boots and marine vinyl. Hopefully some updated pictures coming soon.
  13. Well this fell through the cracks, but I'm back at it. I still need the soft goods, but I'm working on finishing up the prints and finishing them to remove the layer lines. I'm hoping to get this down this term. I'll send more pictures soon.
  14. Thank you for the input guys. I'll keep you in the loop as I build. I think it is just hard to see in the picture or it isn't as defined. You can see the ridge all the way up, but I think it may start to flatten sooner than others. I've got a friend that is showing off his TB at a troop this weekend, I'll take it up and compare with him.
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