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Everything posted by Amplexor

  1. I am basically done now, and did my first test fit with all the parts. It felt good, no problems dressing myself and walking around. I'm going to fix one or two small things before I take the approval pictures.
  2. Yeah, took me about an hour. Startet with a piece of flat abs leftover from cover strip making. Draw on the size I wanted to make it, and used a sealing iron to heat up and bend in the corners. Turned out pretty good.
  3. I ended up with making myself some drop boxes. Too bad we're not allowed to use flat covers, that would be SO much easier.
  4. What have you guys done with the inner drop boxes? I did not get any with my kit.
  5. I'm finally back on track with this, after almost a year of downtime. Finished all the major parts, and have startet strapping now. I do have some small details to do, like the buttons and rivets. There is 3 gray bottons, (top and bottom on left, top one on right) rest is black? Do you use glossy or flat paint for the buttons?
  6. I have been thinking on the visible rivets as well. Think I'll do them. You should btw order rubber gloves with red silicone handplates on them from Sonnenschein.
  7. I have finally got around to finish this build, and had another look at the boots. I got hold of a leather paint from the brand Meltonian called "620 Scarlet". A thin layer of that completely changed the tone of the leather to something much better. It's as good as perfect match to the elastic on the boots, and much closer to the red ATA kit. Unpainted and painted of course Edit: Picture with ATA plastic. It's as close enough for me
  8. So, my red gentlemen, they have finally arrived. Construction vise, they look amazing. I just took a couple of pictures with my cellphone down in the basement. I'll try and take a photo outdoors tomorrow to get more natural lighting. But the color is a different game. It's not easy getting just the right color of red, but this leather is just to orange and to bright. As you can see, the red elastic is almost spot on in color. But the leather is not.
  9. Mine is in the mail on their way here, so I'll post some pictures when they get here, and next to some red ata plastic.
  10. Yeah, I just ordered a canvas belt, so going that way as well. About the anh/esb holster, it's the tabs holding it I was thinking of. Two short tabs riveted on the backside for anh, and two longer black loops around the belt for esb.
  11. I know that we're not that many Magmas yet, but I'd like us to be as identical as possible. So on the options, what have you other troopers chosen? Plastic or canvas belt? Red or black drop boxes? Do you use anh or esb type of holster? Do you use rubber or fabric gloves? Do you have Black, Smoke or dark green lenses in the helmet? I was planing to use: Plastic belt, Red boxes, esb holster, rubber gloves, green lenses.
  12. Sonnenschein is by the way having a run on RED rubber MAGMA hand guards. Color matched to ATA ( I sent her some scraps of plastic) so if you want to upgrade your hard plastic plates, go to her facebook page "Screen accurate ANH stormtrooper handguards" and order a set
  13. Thanks! It's not my first helmet build, so I'm starting to get a hang of it. It's no problem for me, I have both anh and rotj blasters. But it would feel a bit more right to use the rotj. In the Lumiya comic it looks more like they are using SE-14R, so maybe we should use that one
  14. My first question is; If we use the Gentle giant figure as reference, why don't we use a ROTJ E -11 blaster, like the figure has? The crl state that we must use an ANH spec E -11..
  15. Hi, it's TX-8505 from Norway. I didn't plan on making a topic on the progress for this build, but I have some questions, so I might as well make one and use it to get answers. I bought this red ATA kit many months ago, and have finally time to start putting it together. Finished hand painting details on the helmet last weekend, and started trimming the armor parts now. And I know you guys like pictures, so here is one of the helmet. It's not pink, it's just a bit bright lighting on my desk.
  16. I just ordered a set. Saves me the work of painting the white pair I had left over from one of my white armors. Edit: Picture from FISD. I'll post a new picture when my set arrives.
  17. It's a hyperfirm.. Bought from the Sci-Fire guys in US.
  18. I shortened the back and kidney plate, and made new return edges on them. I also shortened the chest armor. The butt plate and ab was the only ones I did not shorten. Making new return edges was not easy, but luckily I'm a patient guy, so I finally managed to teach myself how to do it. Edit: I had similar problems with getting the parts over the shoulder to line up, so I ended up heating up and reshaping the top of the back armor to get the right angles.
  19. Thanks guys! I have moved the thigh ammo belt, and the armor is now 501st approved, and tomorrow I'm going to troop first time in it, at a Roller Derby match. First time in black, after 2 years of trooping in shiny white.. Woho!
  20. Thanks guys! Yeah, I know about the thigh ammo belt, I'm working on it. Going to reshape it a bit as well. The AM parts does not give up without a struggle. The detonator is the exact same size as my Troopermaster TD, so I think it should be ok.
  21. I got some more parts done this weekend. Finished the hand guards and the belt. Only part not finished is the TD, but that's because I haven't found a pipe in the right dimension yet. Still need some fine tuning on the strapping. And then wipe everything down, since it's full of dirt and fingerprints after building. Finally I need of course to take some pictures in a well lit room
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