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Everything posted by Amplexor

  1. I tried to take a picture of myself while trying on all the parts yesterday, but it came out way to dark to see any details. I'm not used to black armor I found some parts that need more trimming, a couple of return edges that need to be trimmed down, and I need to cut down the hand guards a bit, they are way too big.
  2. wow.. is it really a year since I was in here? The TX costume was put on hold right after my last post, but now I'm back in the game, and have almost finished it. The only part left to do is the belt. I'm going for a black canvas version. I have cut and bent and really worked almost all the parts of this AM kit to make it look as good as I can. I'll post pictures later.
  3. Okay, I'll do it like that then. Flat black and silver. I already got the mirrored lens. I'm not used to having a choice in how to do stuff to get it accurate.. If you're going for Centurion Stormtrooper, everything is pretty much locked down.
  4. I have enough knees for my Dengar, but always good to have extra
  5. man..! This took way longer than I first was planning. I got a bit derailed with a Bacara.. and helping other people build stuff. BUT I have finished the arms and started on the legs now. I have also finished the helmet I bought in here.. Except for the tube stripes and frown. Do you use flat black on the tube stripes? And what colour is most popular to use on the frown? *The frown must have either 6 or 8 teeth cut out and any coloring must not leave the indented area. Acceptable colors are: black, gray or silver. If there are spaces between the teeth the wearer's face must not be seen *The tube stripes are black in color and may number between 9 and 15 per side with the curve bends extending backwards. These may be hand painted or decals. There does not need to be the same number per side.
  6. I won it in the Spec. Ops Raffle, 2-3 months ago.

  7. Yeah, I don't know what I'm going to do with the AM helmet. I've ordered a better one, so I might build it and sell it, or just keep it in the collection.
  8. It took some time, but I've finally started trimming parts. I'm going to build it just like my TM stormtrooper suit, with cover strips, so I'm trimming away a lot. Waiting on a shipment of new rare earth magnest (most of my old ones are crushed) so I can start gluing. I have trimmed the arms, and started on legs. The shins are putting up a fight, due to the wrong integrated cover strip problem AM has.
  9. Okay, here we go! I got my complete AM kit yesterday, and today I unpacked everything and took some pictures. Allot of parts in this kit. I'm probably going to start building this next week. Are there anything special I should be aware of, or can I just build it after the normal stormtrooper recipy? I'm thinking of strapping, return edges, cover strips and stuff like that.
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