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Lt. Dan

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Lt. Dan last won the day on April 5 2023

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About Lt. Dan

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  1. Dan, hell there is a LOT to do with this one before going anywhere😅 I'm on holiday atm, but for a first review here are my initial thoughts: Heat and form the biceps armor to bring more tightness to your arms and attach a holding strap to the shoulder bells. The butt plate sits UNDER the belt and is attached with a strap between your legs to the codpiece. Attach the thighs to the belt with straps to hold them up. The rear right canvas pouch is missing on the belt also the third rocket cylinder on the left forearm. Tuck in your shoe laces! I can't see the side buckles were the front and rear armor connect, don't know if they are in place? These are the things you can do easily and quick at first. Try a new fitment and watch for the details!
  2. That way you save on weathering!🤣
  3. Gerald, I think you have something mixed up. Paul was asking about Paul Prentice´s straps and brackets, not Jim Tripon´s. Paul, the straps and brackets from Paul Prentice are state of the art. They have the curve for Level 2, they are flexible and the brackets are outstanding. I´ve used them for my build and they fit perfect. I can recommend them without reservation!
  4. Paul, as long as the parts match the CRL criterias in shape and appearance the overall materials they are made off don´t matters, unless it is explicitly mentioned. The parts you are looking for are good to go, but pricey in my opinion especially the D-ring set!
  5. Great pics Casey! So all you need now is to send in some approval pics😉 Btw, the shoulder rest of your E-11D is upside down!
  6. I wouldn't be too specific about the stickers. They correspond in appearance and layout to the CRL and are not explicitly further specified. You are good to go I think.
  7. In my opinion the blaster in the lower reference picture section is not correct. Look at the SWCE 2016 Display pics or the two close ups from Rogue One screen shots, there you can see the lining on top and on the right side of the barrel. Also the E-11D pics in the CRL "optional accesssory" section show the lining very clear. NO lining on the left side of the blaster! I have attached that picture and highlited the lining with yellow for better view. I got my lining set from @Chaos in the past and he delivered a visual guide how to attach the lining correctly.
  8. Yes Gerald, that should look way better, it is meant to be more than a pinstripe style! Also, the decals on the left side of the blaster are set wrong. They have to be on top of the barrel. I´ve attached a pic of my blaster to clarify!
  9. Hey Casey, good to hear that you have progress. You did your homeworks as I can read. Top of the pops stuff thoroughly!😎
  10. Don´t forget the side buckles on the chest piece, Gerald☝️ Otherwise I think you are good to go for painting, beside the things you mentioned👍
  11. Or look it up here: And here´s another one: https://deltaleatherworks.com/product/death-trooper-pouch/
  12. Hey Casey, according to the Facebook Page of IB Boots aka Keep Trooping their email address is: vincent@keeptrooping.com Hope this helps and looking forward to your build!😎
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