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0igrez last won the day on October 29 2024

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About 0igrez

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    Madrid, Spain

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  1. and some tests of the amor with and without the soft parts and boots. https://imgur.com/a/isHshml
  2. I got myself some gloves! https://imgur.com/a/h4PacrW
  3. Thank you for you reply, Chris. Very helpful indeed. I must have crossed some wire up here because I thought it was supposed to be silver rocket launchers of sorts lol I should also post some picture updates in the following days. My armours has been inside a box long enough that my body shape has changed and I will need some advice. Cheers, Sergio.
  4. Hello all, long time since my last post on this topic, didnt quite have the energy. I have noticed a change in the crl regarding the description of the left forearm cylinders and cannot find the discussion in the forum. Can someone maybe guide me? I got the standard version from ArmoryShop and those are dark grey metalllic colour. Thanks!
  5. No news from the front yet, I've been busy with my PhD. However I was lucky enough to find a nice pair of Dr. Martens Jered online! https://imgur.com/a/kAKy8WE
  6. Hi! I bought everything second hand from a fellow Italian trooper.
  7. HI, I haven't had the time to work any further on the armor but I managed to get my other half to take some pics of the soft parts. I am only missing the knee gaskets that should be sewn shortly. Is this the proper way of setting the parts? abdomen over pants and over poncho and so? it feels a bit weird, I'm not sure I'm fitting everything properly and I'm worried of sewing anything just yet. Long hair and beard will be properly braided and covered and ridiculous socks will be avoided. https://imgur.com/a/nk9333w All comments are welcome! Thanks!
  8. I got myself some nice undersuit and gaskets and all. Plus a pair of Dr. Martens Talib almost my size haha. I attach the relevant toilet selfies for feedback. The heel stitching we were discussing earlier seems different in these boots but since everyone assures that the Talibs are approvable I went for it. https://imgur.com/a/Ji6k29D
  9. Hi again! How about these I found second hand? Should I buy? Thanks!
  10. I was hoping to avoid buying outside EU again. Customs are getting crazy lately. If I can find second hand or modifyable boots around here that'd be great. Thanks anyways.
  11. Thanks. I could only take a couple pics in a hurry through the dirty glass. Does this one show the stitching? I'll try to come by the shop again this week.
  12. This is a long shot but could these boots be approvable after modifying the soles to make them flat?
  13. Thanks a lot for your comment! I will take a look at them.
  14. I ordered everything on April 30th so yeah, I took some time with corona, fire and so on.
  15. https://imgur.com/gallery/cdK1pkL
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