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501st Reserve[501st]
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SpaceWelder last won the day on February 6 2023

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    Imperial Army Engineer

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  1. I feel like I had this same conundrum. I think I landed (in my opinion) that they are gusseted with perhaps a knife or BDU pleat. I ended up doing a gusset with the bottom gusset sewn to stay tight to the leg, with an inverted box pleat. YMMV, but that got approved for me
  2. @Blackwatch and I have had our differences in the past, but this is one of my core beliefs as far as our responsibilities to representing our characters. I'm in the entertainment industry and "30 feet away on a galloping horse" is a commonly used phrase. We do not have that luxury and should be very aware that what was done on set is not necessarily supportive of bringing these characters into the real world.
  3. I came back to bring up this point that @Jankes beat me to, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the real, distilled, down-to-brass-tacks heart and soul of SpecOps is that we are the haven for the expanded universe characters? At face value we may seem like we are where every character-turned-gloss-black belongs, but that we pull from comics and video games and the unconventional places is really what makes us special. Granted, as more and more characters become canon, more and more classifications will become apparent (such as the IA troops we are discussing now) but if we were to relinquish our status as THE place for misfit costumes, then we do become little more than the Gloss Black Detachment, no?
  4. My opinions below in no particular order or organization: -A separate Detachment seems lofty for four costumes. -I see the instinctual connection with the IOC officers and would be fine joining up with them, but to echo what others have said, that entire Det would have to be renamed to include the enlisted (Imperial Army Corps feels appropriate). -Any sort of in-Det subdivision seems like needless organization to me. As someone mentioned, we have a spot in this forum. Seems plenty to me. -Someone mentioned the division between armored and non-armored costumes. I'll admit, looking at photos of shiny black armor next to shabby mud-olive grunts it's easy to feel "un-ceptional." But from a business management perspective, the Det needs costumes at all skill levels and price points. -In summary, my personal/individual vote would be this 1-Remain Status Quo and change nothing, or 2-Transfer us to IOC and completely rebrand that Detachment (which I'm guessing they would be completely against)
  5. Thanks @IcyTrooper! I'll keep digging and see what I can find. The image file calls him an "Imperial Operative." Sick.
  6. I stumbled across this today and was hoping someone could educate me on what it is exactly. I don't play the game it's from (Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars RPG). Could this be turned into a CRL? That is to say, are these characters based in any sort of useable canon? This guy looks rad from the image and thought I'd explore. TIA! https://swsheets.com/c/h2jmuduo8-istvan-sabo-tae EDIT: Here is a second reference after a reverse image search. https://www.starwarsrp.net/threads/sith-imperial-combat-engineer-armor-pattern-mk-i.133282/ EDIT: And after a little more digging, the original artist is Brian Matyas from a website called Artstation. Which makes me think it's just concept fan art that has worked its way into the role playing games. EDIT: Actually, Brian Matyas is a Senior Concept Designer for Lucasfilm. So maybe there's SOME merit to this as a costume? In any case, I welcome any discussion /insight. Thanks again!
  7. No sweat! Just a fit-and-finish opinion, certainly nothing meant by it. Happy to see more technicians out here! Dju get your goggles yet? They're clutch on a sunny outdoor troop
  8. Looking Good Bud! If you're looking for feedback, here's my 2 cents: -hem or roll up your cuffs (I think I remember an edit to the CRL allowing for a slightly rolled cuff?) Don't want to look like you stole your big brother's coveralls -adjust the harness so the horizontal pack strap sits a little (25-50mm?) higher. The references have a good look at the back. I tried to relate the horizontal to the cap of my shoulder as it's supposed to be, then the placement of the arm patches becomes clear. I think the top of the patch should approximately align with the bottom of the horizontal. (Hence, raising the horizontal a touch.) -Hide the hooks from the harness to the belt a bit more? I forget if this is a Level 1 or L2 thing. I'm no GML, but that's my eye for detail if you're interested. You'll be a Specialist in no time!
  9. Is the rear view in the reference thread the best primary source image we have of these back boxes? Anyone seen any screen shots that give a more detailed view? Different vendors all seem to be similar but wondering what's out there that's not second or third hand. Thanks in advance!
  10. FWIW, this is the same vendor as blasterfactory.com. Pricey, yes, but good quality and cool to have an all metal blaster.
  11. Why do I see a Sapper in your near future Well done, congrats!
  12. Yeah you’ll have this wrapped up in no time. For what it’s worth (because I agree, the CRL clearly says “rectangular”, but) my chamfered pocket flaps did get approved. As @Blackwatch says, a lot of the details on this one seems to be up to the GML. Couple specialist coins in a couple months, not too shabby
  13. APPROVED. Application photos can be found here- https://imgur.com/a/crpsEX0 Sources- Coveralls- https://www.dickies.com/coveralls-overalls/flex-long-sleeve-coveralls/48274.html?dwvar_48274_color=BK#gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9L7ao4TO6wIVB7zACh2DXQbfEAAYASAAEgIihfD_BwE&start=1 and https://www.dickies.com/shorts/13-loose-fit-cargo-shorts/WR888.html?dwvar_WR888_color=BK#start=1 Patches- https://www.endorfinders.com/costume-accessories/imperial-army-patch Hat - https://www.tvstoreonline.com/star-wars-imperial-officer-twill-cap/ Belt- https://tacticalgear.com/condor-g-i-style-nylon-pistol-belt-black?hp=y&sku=con-pb-002&pa=428809534827181&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIle_egYTO6wIVg8DACh39cQI4EAQYByABEgLIBvD_BwE#/27125/653/1&dl=b Harness- https://www.strapworks.com/Flat_Nylon_Webbing_p/fnw2.htm Pouches- https://www.strapworks.com/Heavyweight_Polypropylene_p/hwp3.htm and https://www.strapworks.com/Heavyweight_Polypropylene_p/hwp4b.htm Boots- https://www.drmartens.com/us/en/p/10295001 Gloves- https://www.galls.com/lawpro-unlined-leather-search-gloves?PMOPV1=BLK&PMOPV2=LG&PMSRCE=GAPLA&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0qqO2IXO6wIVENbACh0uOQvbEAQYASABEgLszfD_BwE Goggles- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082J4Z2PH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Thanks to everyone who's followed along. Hopefully I'll get to buy a round for you all.
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