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ImperialZaku last won the day on November 23 2020

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  1. Yes, from the brow to the neck I think it's done trimming, but I still have to take a look at the base of the neck because it seems a bit uneven. On topic of the email, I took a look at Chef's social media tab and it turns out they had someone spoof their emails due to the server being not as secure as thought. They moved to a more secure server though, so everything should be fine with that.
  2. I have to add that Chef did respond to my original email with a normal email, this came in a month after his initial response.
  3. It's been pretty busy lately so I haven't really worked on it. I think I've got the main dome trimmed enough to glue the halves together though. On different topic, has anyone else gotten odd (or suspicious) looking emails from Chef's? I've added a screenshot of what I got.
  4. @Dropkick I'm looking at the pieces for my bucket here and the instructions call for trimming till the 'rough guide trim lines' but I don't seem to see any, or at least I don't recognise them... could you tell me what exactly I am looking for?
  5. Update: Received word from Chefs the kit is ready for dispatch and just finished up on payment. This is going to get interesting soon.
  6. Update, I placed an order for armour and blaster, no soft goods yet.
  7. Hey guys, It's been busy lately, so I haven't checked in for a while. Right now I've decided to order a Chef's kit (when my wallet permits it). I did see Crow Props is going to make Scout gloves and boots as well, so I'll wait till there's a bit more information on that front before I order any soft goods.
  8. Out of curiosity, what do troopers usually wear under the undersuits or flight suits?
  9. Spike is the Altmanns bucket, right? I'm also registered with the Pathfinders forum and looked around a bit, though I haven't read the comparison threads very in-depth yet.
  10. @Raider At the moment I'm still considering between Chef and RWA. RS is beyond my budget, plus their soft goods are far too big for me. I forgot to mention I'm 165cm (that's about 5'4-5'5) and slim built. Is there a minimum size requirement for the hard parts of the suit? Another important thing I'd like to ask is whether a Scout helmet has enough internal space to wear glasses with? I've seen 501st members wear glasses under TK helmets, so I assumed it'd be a similar situation. Right now Chefs seems to be the most convenient option, as they have soft goods and blasters as well as the hard parts. Their soft good are tailor made according to the website so that's neat. Does Chefs do kits or do they already handle a bit of the work? I'm making assumptions based of their Scout page, as their Storm Commando page says to contact them for more details. @Blackwatch I've already looked around in some WIP threads and have picked up some bits of information here and there. As for the big question, I respect the 05, but it frankly was fairly outdated by the time the war broke out. The 06 however, was designed with extra internal space to accommodate future upgrades, which gave it long-term viability. (I wonder if the writers copied this from the Panzer III and Panzer IV from WW2, with the latter having extra space in preparation for upgrades.) As for my profile picture, it's the MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai B-Type, also known as the Final Production Type of the 06. B-Type just means this version has the "Fritz" head.
  11. Greetings! My name is RZ, but Ray will do too. I would like to join the 501st, and have decided to build a Shadow Scout as my first costume. I've contacted my local GMO, who instructed me to register here in the SpecOps and the Pathfinders forums. So here I am! My first question would be if there are any kit makers available in Europe and how accurate they are. My GMO suggested RWA Creations. And besides the kit, what tools and materials should I start collecting? Best regards, Ray
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