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501st Info

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  • 501st Garrison

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  • Location
    Lorton, VA
  • Interests
    Scuba Diving

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  1. Luckily a good number of the pieces I received from Walt were already trimmed up pretty nicely. I need to do an inventory post-move and make sure nothing got damaged.
  2. Got derailed by an overseas deployment last year and Covid. Could use help. Have all the pieces, just could use someone’s expertise on assembly as this is my first build. i did relocate; I’m in the Lorton, VA area now. But willing to drive an hour in any direction for help one weekend.
  3. For sure would welcome any help. My build got put on hold some due to an overseas work trip, but I'm back in Woodbridge, VA as of now. Work is a little wild presently, but definitely want to get this done.
  4. Below is what I received today from WTF, so hoping I have everything. If anything is missing, please give me a shout. I ordered a full soft parts kit from Imperial Boots, so that's in the box. Below are their gloves/boots that I have out of the box. They fit great! Gloves: Boots (velcros together in the back nicely): Will post more pictures soon.
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