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Detachment Costume Advisor[CMD-DCA]
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minimo last won the day on June 16 2024

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About minimo

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    Garrison Tyranus

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    Linden, VA

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  1. From what I am seeing looks to be about centered with that bottom left cutout.
  2. Hiya! Glad to see you back at it! In my armors the half circles are 5cm and 5.5cm at their widest and 2.5cm and 2cm at their tallest. The half circles are not deep at all, just a slight indent. But not all armors are the same size. The important thing is that it be proportionate to yours. There are some details missing in your back armor, mainly in the greeblies, but the crl doesn’t make specific mention of them, so I wouldn’t be too concerned. I think your main edit is going to be that half circle.
  3. You look fantastic, well done! It’s in the bag!
  4. Everything looks great! This is where the fun begins, time to go swimming in a puddle!!!
  5. From what I have heard, RAL doesn’t match great to the Pantones. The RGB is 84 103 88. Could try using that to find a match?
  6. Looking great! As far as the paints go, if you are going for specialist clearance, I would recommend getting the Pantones specified in the CRL. Being in the UK, for the green color, you can head over to Halfords for cans of Vauxhall Leaf Green. That was the on set touch up paint and an acceptable substitute.
  7. Looking fantastic! Excellent work!
  8. Bummer… Jim Tripon and Keep Trooping make decent soft goods. We have seen many have issues with the calves. You can try taking it to a cobbler to modify them. Some have opted on getting custom boots from Crowprops.
  9. Grats! Coming along really nice, looking forward to seeing more!!! Great call on doing the helmet texture!!!
  10. You look great! Nice work!
  11. Hmmm, I would say it would depend on how it looks after. It is really hard to visualize how the end product will be, when you are pulling the collar from a different kit. Is your intent to cut off the already existing collar from your kit and replacing it with another? If that’s the case, are they the same files or two different designs? I would need so see how it fits into the backpiece. Another thing to consider is how it fits into the front? Width, length, angle of drop will all play a part.
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