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501st Member[501st]
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  1. Then I take the helmet to a biker scout, if they can delete the post.
  2. So if you are not the 360 ​​degrees is not valid for the 501. So I do not follow the project, no more pictures in this version?
  3. My idea is to cut the hood by red line, which Slovene more similar to the image And if I can couple light into the side vents
  4. Some time ago I have this project set aside a little about me, I did some retouching to make the version that appears in the data bank, here I put the original image and some retouching samples made parts biker scout, having you think , because the back piece does not look good and I have not seen any pictures, so it is an invention of mine.
  5. I not this is the place to put it, this is my idea of how to build a seatrooper, I hope you like it on the bottles have to be designed from scratch how little respect is, to be the closest thing.
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