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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Trock last won the day on May 13 2021

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  1. Do you like the clarity of this lens. My current one is horrible.
  2. Hello all, I am looking to replace the mirrored lens that came with my kit. It is just getting harder to see through. Any recommendations on a good mirrored lens replacement?
  3. Hello....looking for some advice on death trooper build. I have group of 5, all building death trooper. Height ranges from 5'8" to 6'8". We will be 3d printing armor from files we purchased. Is it recommended to scale files and then print or print and adjust after. I know for shadow stormtrooper the armor is pretty much one size and you have to make changes during build. Thank you as always for the help!
  4. Hello there! I just completed a wtf shadow trooper build myself. I'm 6' 2" and had to do some adjusting to get to fit correctly. Nothing too crazy though. Let me know if you have any questions.
  5. Looks great Matthew! Congrats on your approval! I'm in! Let's do it!
  6. It's official! My armor has been approved!!! ? Thank you so much for all the help along the way! TX-20052 reporting for duty!!!
  7. Thanks again Chaos! Much appreciated!
  8. Thanks Icytrooper! That's what I was hoping you'd say! So close to being done! Thanks again for all the great feedback.
  9. Thanks for the feedback Raider. I have to get better at putting the armor on by myself. I struggled with the gloves at the end!? And yes....I am almost 6'3....so I would love to hear from other tall troopers. I think I have room to drop thighs a bit. Thank you for pointing out the missed rivets! I was so excited to have everything assembled and ready to put on that I definitely overlooked.
  10. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I have been chipping away at the last elements of my build and I think I may be done!?! I would love some feedback before I submit to see if I am missing anything or if anything looks off.? I think I need to close in the gap on my knees??? gloves and handguards are a bit of a mess as well.
  11. Thank you Icy....let me see if I can make that adjustment! Appreciate the feedback.
  12. Ok...here we go! I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel! Finally had some time and got a bunch done. How's it looking??? Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Next up finish...helmet. Also need to add snaps to shoulder bell so I can try all of that on. I can't wait to get this approved and get out and troop!
  13. That armor looks great. Would love to see you WIP.
  14. Hello all! Making some great progress on the ab, chest, back and kidney/posterior. Can't wait to post pictures. Researching the helmet build now. Question on the paint to use for vocoder, teeth and other areas. The CRL calls out black silver or grey. Are there specific paints that you all recommend?
  15. First I want to say I have deep respect for all that have completed one of these. This is an awesome task but it can be difficult to make progress while getting all my day to day stuff done. With that said, I appreciate all of the collective knowledge on the web and any input I receive on the forums. My trooper is finally taking shape and I am excited to see him come to life. I have been chipping away when I can so here's my progress so far. I have most of the mid section cut out just working on the strapping.
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